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 I was really unhappy with the last chapter, so I decided to change it a bit. I hope you don't mind. 
Also I'm going to go to see Harry on tour, which is super exciting. 

Harry grinned. "Louis, you're doing so well at the moment, do you think you can open your mouth for me?"
Louis gulped, he felt like he had been sitting in the chair for ages already but at the same time it felt like no time had passed at all. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. "I don't feel good..." To Louis surprise the chair was being put into the upright position again. 
"Lou, love." Harry said as he took Louis hands. "Can you tell me what scares you?" 
Louis thought about it for a while. "I don't know, it's sort of everything, really." He said awkwardly, not looking up at his boyfriend. 
"Are you scared of any sort of embarrassment? Pain? Loss of control?" Harry listed. 
Louis shrugged. "All of them above, I suppose." 
Harry nodded. "Okay. I understand. But really, non of them should be a concern at all, okay? Smile for me." 
"Smile for me, please."
Louis found this odd, but obeyed. He smiled a forced, close lipped smile. 
"Now do that again, but grin at me, hun." 
Louis cocked a brow, but he took a deep breath and smiled at Harry. "Happy?" 
"Very. Lou, your smile is beautiful. Don't you worry that I'd find it bad in any way, please. I love your smile so much. You'd be surprised at what I see every day, your teeth are no where close to that. It even feels weird comparing them, don't be embarrassed."
Louis nodded. This was oddly comforting. 
"About the pain and control thing... Well, I promise you can always raise your hand if you need a break and I'm only going to use my mirror if you'd like, so there will be no pain at all." Harry explained. He even picked up the mirror and showed it to Louis. "Scary, huh?"
Louis chuckled once. "Very." He said, only half joking. 
"How about we try again, I'll lean you back, take a quick peak and then we see where we go from there?" 
Louis nodded hesitantly. He really wanted to get out of this stupid office and knew he'd have to let Harry look at his tooth before he got what he wanted. He adjusted his position in the chair and gave Harry a quick nod, indicating that he was ready, his mouth way too dry to speak. He grabbed the arm rests tightly when he felt his body being adjusted into a horizontal position. 
His chest felt tight and his legs were shaking. 
"You're doing great, lovely. Open when you're ready." Harry said as patted Louis cheek. 
'ready as I'll ever be' Louis thought to himself before opening his mouth. 
"A little wider, please..." Harry said, helping Louis open with his gloved fingers. 
Louis hated this more than anything. He felt vulnerable and the trouble he was having while breathing didn't help either. He was trying to concentrate on something else, keeping his eyes shut close, but the cold metal in his mouth in addition to the horrid taste of Harry's gloved hands were just too much. With every second that passed Louis felt more and more trapped, and he started gasping for air. 
"You're doing great, just a bit longer." Harry's distant voice rung in Louis ears, but he couldn't comprehend  what was said.
He couldn't take it. Tears running down his cheek he pushed Harry away, jumped up and threw up violently into the nearby bin. Right away Louis felt Harry's hands rubbing his back. Why was he doing that? Louis didn't deserve this. Hadn't he just messed up? Why was Harry still there? 
"I'm sorry, Louis. I knew you hate it here, but I didn't-" Why was HE the one apologising? Shouldn't Louis be the one doing that? 
Louis pinched the bridge of his nose and once he was sure he wasn't going to throw up again he turned towards Harry. "This is not your fucking fault, Harold. I'm the one that is messing up. You're trying to help and I'm just stupid and-" 
Harry put his finger over Louis lips to stop him talking. "Pssst." He said softly, before Louis felt himself being pulled into a hug. This was too much... He pressed his face into Harry's shoulders and started sobbing into them. 
"It's okay... You're okay..." Harry reassured him while patting his back. "Don't worry, okay? Everything will be okay." 

They just sat there for a while before Harry pulled them up. "How about you sit down in that visitors chair and have a glass of water?" 
Louis nodded. He walked over slowly and sat down. 
"Great, thank you. You're doing really well." Harry praised as he handed him a glass.
Louis huffed. "Right. I basically hit you, didn't let you finish that stupid exam, threw up... What's the thing I did well, again?" 
Harry chuckled. "Well I have good news, love. I've seen enough to make a judgement."
"Really? Tell me what's going on then." Louis hesitated. "Or maybe not. No, I don't want to know, really."
"Well, I think I need x-rays." 
"That's your judgment? Wow, those years in higher education really payed off, didn't they?" Louis snapped. 
"Hey, sass-queen. You're the one that stopped me mid exam, be happy I don't have to do it again." 
Louis rolled his eyes but nodded. "Okay, well then you need x-rays. I'm okay with that, it's weirdly non-scary, you know?"
"Well that's good. I need you to go to the other room with me." Harry said. he led them into another room where he took two x-rays quickly. "That's done, now. Tell me, how are you? Can I tell you I'm proud, yet?" 
Louis shook his head. "Nah, too early."
"Right." Harry said. They walked back to the treatment room where Harry sat down on his computer. "Okay, Lou. I'm just going to take a quick look at these." 
Louis nodded. He kept a close eye on Harry while he inspected the x-rays, "So what's your judgement, now?"

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