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I'm in writing mood at the moment, so here you go with the next part. 


Harry and Louis were sitting on the sofa cuddling into each other while they were watching 'The Voice'. "I miss Danny." Louis said with a sigh. 
Harry laughed. "Who doesn't." He looked at Louis, whom felt his stomach do a back flip. He still couldn't believe that Harry was actually his boyfriend. How the hell he had been able to get his hand on such an amazing  guy was still beyond him.
He cuddled further into him and started playing with Harry's curls as he pressed his face into Harry's neck. 
"Did you write anything good today?" Harry asked.
Louis shrugged. "Nothing much, really. I tried a few things, but non of them turned out the way I wanted them to." He said adjusting his glasses before turning back to the telly so he didn't have to look at Harry. "Did you do any good fillings today, or whatever?" Louis asked, not sounding confident enough. He didn't feel like it was a good idea to turn back to check Harry's reaction as he was sure the nervousness he was feeling was showing on his face, so he kept his eyes on the person who was singing.
Harry chuckled. "Today was boring, a bunch of people got check ups, a few fillings..." He said. Louis nodded. "Fun." Was all he felt confident enough to say as he rubbed his sweaty hands on his tracksuit bottoms. Maybe he should not ask about Harry's work, it was quite frankly embarrassing and he was getting worried that Harry might take note of his odd behaviour. The last thing he needed was Harry taking notice of how uncomfortable his day job was making Louis. 

Harry and Louis were having their tea. Harry had made some curry while Louis had been writing on a song, singing it to Harry. "I really like that riff." Harry commented with a big smile as he ran his hands through his hair.  
Louis smiled. "You do?" Harry nodded. "Thank you, Haz." He laughed. "May I help with some of the cooking, now?" 
Harry shook his head. "No way, Lou. Remember the last time I trusted you with a knife? I'd like to spend this night in bed instead of the A&E." 
Louis laughed. "Okay, if you're sure." 
"I'm certain. You could set the table if you'd like. I'm nearly done here."Harry offered. Louis nodded, got up to give his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek and went for two bowls and two bottles of beer. He also lit a candle. 
Harry saw that and smirked. "Awe, you're a hopeless romantic, aren't you?" 
Louis chuckled. "Look who's talking. Weren't you the one that send a rose to my flat every day until I agreed on another date, Harold? And then what did we end up doing? Watching 'Bambi'." He laughed, now standing behind Harry his arms around his waist, standing on his tippy toes , his head resting on Harry's shoulders.
"Touché." Harry said in his husky voice and Louis felt a shiver going down his spine. 

About half an hour later the curry was ready. They both sat down and started digging in. On the first bite Louis winced. "That's hot." 
Harry rolled his eyes. "Sorry for cooking the food at a temperature that could burn your tongue." He said. "Are you okay, though?" He asked sweetly. 
Louis nodded. "I'm alright." He hadn't actually burned his mouth, it had been more of a sharp pain going through his jaw. Great. Just amazing. At least Harry didn't appear to have noticed. His dentist boyfriend finding out about one of his teeth hurting wasn't exactly what Louis needed. The pain subsided and Louis made sure to be more careful. Hopefully this was just some light sensitivity. That happened to everyone sometimes, right?

It wasn't just a one time thing, Louis had to admit that to himself after a few weeks. It happened increasingly often now, though Louis did his best in avoiding hot foods. Or cold ones. Or sweets. He was sitting on his sofa at the moment, trying to work on a song, but the pain in his mouth didn't let him. It wasn't like he didn't have any ibuprofen, but taking some meant he'd have to admit to himself that there was something seriously wrong with his tooth  and he didn't want to do that. He decided to take a nap, as he couldn't be productive at the moment anyway. 

"Lou, wake up sunshine." Harry said. 
Louis yawned. "Hey." He smiled. He was feeling better. The pain had gone down to the level he was used to, which, in itself, was embarrassing enough.  "How are you?" He asked. 
Harry grinned. "I'm great. How about you?" 
"Sleepy." Louis said. 
"I figured." Harry had sat down next to him and was playing with his hair. "I was hoping you'd be coming to the cinema with me?" 
Louis nodded. "Sure, why not." He said, happy to have a reason to get out for a while. 
They had fun watching some rom com Harry had picked out and it all ended up to be more of a make out session in the back of the room and Louis never ended up knowing what exactly that film was about. 


"What's up, Lou?" Liam asked. 
"Nothing I'm fine." Louis said a bit too quick. "Just a headache." 
Liam shook his head. "Uhu. Yeah, don't believe you." 
Louis knew that it had little point to lie to Liam as they had been friends for ages. "Just, um... I have a tooth that's bugging me a bit. It will go away on it's own, though." 'a bit' was a lot more than an understatement as he hadn't been able to sleep without taking something recently and it was starting to become hard to concentrate on anything, really. 
Liam rolled his eyes. "Louis, you know Harry could take a look at that for you?"
"No thanks, that's too awkward." Louis said, wishing Liam wasn't able to read him like a book. 
"And you're terrified of the dentist, I know. But it's Harry, mate. He's your boyfriend and he loves you." Liam argued. "Maybe it's just a small cavity or something..." 
Louis was sure it wasn't just a small cavity, but it wasn't like he'd tell Liam that. If Liam knew how bad it was it wouldn't take more than a few minutes for Louis to find himself in the car to Harry's office and that was something he was going to avoid at all costs. So Louis forced a smile at Liam. "Maybe. I'll call my dentist and have it checked out, okay?" Louis lied to his best ability and to his surprise Liam seemed to believe him. 
"Okay. I have some Aspirin if you'd like." Liam offered. 
"That'd be rad." Louis said.

Edited on the 11th of August 2017

Torn - My boyfriend Dr. Styles  - Completed (Larry AU)Where stories live. Discover now