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I'm glad you like my writing! I'm going to continue this :) 


Harry's POV

"How do you find anything in this kitchen, Lou? You just seem to throw everything everywhere." Harry asked in astonishment.  
"I was born messy, I'm sorry." Louis explained and both broke into laughter. 
Harry was happily cooking, trying to find his ingredients,  while Lou was talking about a new band he's discovered. "And we should go see them on Thursday..." He finished. 
Harry bit his lip. "Honey, I have to work on Thursday from 6 a.m.. Friday, okay?" 
"Just call in sick or something." Louis said cheekily. 
Harry chuckled. "I'd love to, but my patients will hate me, mate." Louis grumbled. "Awe, Lou. Sorry... How about you ask Niall?" He pulled Louis into a hug and they kissed. Harry would have loved to go, but he really couldn't. He continued cooking and Louis left to go to the loo. He had left his phone on the counter and Harry automatically checked the screen as their phones looked very similar. {How's you tooth doing?- Liam} This caught Harry's eye. So Lou was having tooth trouble? Why hadn't he told him... Harry contemplated for a moment. Lou must have his reasons not to talk to Harry, he thought, so he wouldn't mention it right away and just keep an eye on it. 

"I love romcoms, I can't help it." Harry said with a sigh. They were watching bing-watching Netflix while cuddling up against each other. 
Louis chuckled. "It's cute, don't worry. I bet most guys love them, they won't admit it, though." He was grabbing a hand full of popcorn and munching on it slowly. Harry payed close attention to it. Louis seemed to choose the area where he was chewing in very carefully. That got Harry  suspicious. And then he remembered.
"So Louis, I was wondering which dentist you're signed up with." He had checked quite quickly after meeting Louis for the first time, but the system said he wasn't signed up with anyone at the moment. 
Louis blushed. 'Hm, interesting' Harry thought to himself. "Well uhm, I go to a private office." 
Harry furrowed his brows. He didn't believe Lou, whom was chronically broke and was pretty bad at lying but he wouldn't call him out yet and give him a chance. "Well how about you stop waisting money and come see me?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. 

Louis POV

'Crap.' Louis thought. this was terrible. "Uhm, well we could do that, but I just saw my dentist a few weeks ago." He lied, turning his head so Harry didn't see his red face. 
"Okay, I'll just ask them to send me your file if that's okay. What's their name?" Harry asked, sounding amused? This was getting awkward. 
Was this really happening? It certainly felt like nothing less than a nightmare. "I forgot, complicated name... I'll tell you later." Maybe Harry'd forget. Probably not, though. It was Louis' best shot, anyway. 
Harry nodded and turned back to the telly. Louis left for a while, pretending he needed a wee, to think of a way out of this. It didn't work like that, though, Louis brain felt fried and the throbbing in his jaw wasn't exactly helping, either. He decided to take just take an Ibuprofen and return, sitting back down, next to his boyfriend. 
"So did you remember the name?" Harry asked. 
Louis' heart sank. "Uhm, I think Dr. Walbach or something." He said, trying to make up a name from scratch. 
Harry smiled. "Oh, Dr. Wellbeck! Yeah, he's great. I'll call him tomorrow. 
Louis couldn't help his eyes widening. This couldn't be real, he made up a name that sort of sounded like a guy Harry knew? This was bloody awful. "I don't know if that's him..." 
"I think I know every dentist in the area, I'm sure that's him." Harry said happily. 
Louis didn't know what to do. Harry seemed to have an answer to every excuse Louis thought of. He just nodded, trying to think of something else. 

Harry's POV

"Morning Arthur." Harry said as he called his colleague in his break the next day. "Are you busy?" 
"No, I'm fine, what's going on?" Arthur replied. 
"Well my boyfriend is one of your patients and he wants to transfer to see me now and I was wondering if you could get me his file's. Louis William Tomlinson, born 24th of December '91." Harry explained.
Arthur took a while, asked for the spelling of the names and checking the date of birth again. "I'm sorry, Harry, I don't think Mr. Tomlinson's my patient..."
Harry frowned. "Okay, well, uhm, thank you anyways, Arthur. Have a good day and say hi to your wife, please." He said before hanging up. This was stupid. Sure, Louis hadn't been sure on the name, but non other in the area matched any part of the name Louis had given him. So Louis was lying...

Harry was home doing some household stuff when the bell rang. Hopefully it was Louis. Harry opened the door and fell into his boyfriends arm. "Hey, how are you?" He asked, noticing how terrible Louis looked. 
"I'm okay, busy day, though." Louis said. They kissed for a moment before Louis sat down at the kitchen table. "How are you?" He asked Harry whom was getting them something to drink. Harry turned and saw Louis rubbing his jaw absently. Well here we go...
"Not bad at all. Work was fun." He said noticing how Louis got a tad paler when Harry mentioned work. "I called Arthur, your dentist, you know?" He said placing the bottle in front of Louis. "Apparently he didn't know you. Are you using a fake name or something?" Harry asked sarcastically. Louis didn't reply. "Lou..." Harry sighed. "How long has that tooth been hurting?"

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