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Louis' POV

"Huh?" Louis asked, hoping that this was just something stupid his brain had made up to annoy him. 
"That tooth, how long has it been bothering you?" Harry asked, looking at him piercingly. 
Louis shook his head. "Uhm... I don't know what you're talking about." Yeah, that was going to be enough. Not. Louis knew that, but what was he supposed to do? 
"Don't lie to me, Lou." Harry said. "I've seen you rub your jaw." 
"I don' know what you're talking about, Harold." Louis said trying to shrug it off. "I don't have a tooth bothering me."
Harry smiled at Louis. "Well how about you still get it checked out. As I can't find your records I don't know how often you're supposed to get a checkup." 
"I'm not having you fiddle with my mouth. No. that's way too weird." Louis said. He felt himself getting pulled closer to Harry. 
"Lou, I know you've told Liam." He said confidently. 
Louis shook his head. A silent: "Traitor." slipped. Louis felt himself sweating and Harry was grinning. "Harry, I swear it's all fine now." He said desperately. 
Harry pressed his lips onto Louis' forehead. "It's gonna be okay, love." He said. 

This was the last straw, the tears were just streaming down. "Harry I cannot do this." 
"Yes you can, I'm here, remember?" Harry asked. "It's all going to be fine, I promise. I'm not going to force anything onto you." 
"Then please don't force me to do THIS." Louis said angrily. He didn't really feel angry, more so scared, but he was still hoping that he'd be able to wiggle himself out of having Harry, or even worse, someone else, look at his teeth. And why was Harry still smiling? Shouldn't he get angry or something? This was worse, because this way he'd still be trying to persuade Louis to come to his office. 
"Love, love, please calm down. I'm not forcing you to do anything at the moment, right now I just want you to tell me how long that tooth has been bothering you. It's late, and we will not be doing any stuff tonight, but maybe I could give you something to ease the pain?" Harry said sweetly, playing with Louis' hair. Why was he so gorgeous?
Louis knew that his face was red as a tomato and he was shaking badly, so there was no way Harry would believe him if he pretended like nothing was wrong. "I'm scared, Haz." He said, still crying. 
Harry kissed Louis through the curtain of tears. "Lou, don't worry, okay? At the moment I'm your boyfriend, not your dentist." 
"Please stop saying the word." Louis said. 
"Which one? Dentist?" Harry asked confused. 
Louis shivered. "Yes, stop that." He said, laughing a tiny bit as he knew how ridiculous that must sound. 
"Okay, I'll stop." Harry said. He pulled Louis into a tight hug and they just sat there for a while. 
"About three months." Louis admitted. 
Harry looked up. "What?"
"That tooth, Harold. It's been hurting for about three months." 

Harry's POV

That was a bummer. "I'm sorry, I really should have noticed." Harry said. He felt really guilty as a boyfriend he should have noticed, and being a dentist there really was no excuse for it. 
Louis shook his head. "I know how to hide a toothache." He said, blushing. 
"Awe, babe." Harry said brushing his hand softly down Louis' cheek. "I'm so sorry about this." He got up and came back with a bottle of 600 mg Ibuprofen and a glass of water quickly. "This should do some magic." 
Louis nodded and swallowed the pill. "You're not mad, are you?"
"At you? No." Harry said, kissing Louis again. "At myself? hell yes." 
"No, please. Please don't feel guilty, Haz. This really is only my fault." Louis said. "I was scared, so I made sure you wouldn't notice." Louis paused. "And to be fair it only really started hurting over the past couple of days, maybe. Like before that I could sleep and do nothing without it bothering me too much." 
Harry sighed. That wasn't good news. It probably wouldn't be something small if it was keeping him up at night. He wouldn't bother Lou with it now, though. Admitting that he was in pain should be enough for the day. "Let's go to sleep, you deserve a pain free night. Be sure to wake me if you need something, okay?"
"Thank you." Louis said, a sad smile on his lips, before he got up to get himself ready for bed. 

Louis' POV

Louis woke up to the smell of tea the next morning. "Morning." Harry said softly.  That deep voice still caught Louis off guard sometimes. 
Louis forced himself to open his eyes. "Hey." He said smiling at that awfully cute face of Harry's.
"How's your face?" Harry asked. 
Louis felt himself blanch. it took him a moment to realise that Harry knew about his tooth. When he did he shrugged it off. "Okay, I guess." He'd woken up twice this night, but had gotten a reasonable amount of sleep. 
Harry stroked Louis' cheek. "You'll be better, soon. I promise." 
"Don't remind me." Louis said whiny, burring his head in his pillow. "I need a tab." He said as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his nightstand. Harry rolled his eyes. "Keep the comments to yourself for once. Please?" Louis said stressed out and was surprised to see that Harry bite his tongue. He took a few deep drags and let himself fall into the sea of pillows. 
Harry was sitting crosslegged on the other side of the bed massaging Louis' neck lightly. "Are you hungry?" He asked sweetly. Louis shook his head. "Okay. You want another Ibuprofen?" 
"That would be lovely." Louis said and Harry got up and came back with the pill and a bottle of juice  "Here you go. Please have the juice first, though. You need some sugar." 
Louis wrinkled his nose, but finished the glass of juice quickly, taking the pill with the last gulp. It was really cold, but weirdly enough it helped with the ache in his jaw a bit. "That wasn't that bad." He said, grinning a bit at Harry. 
Harry smiled back.
A while later Harry spoke up. "Lou?"
"Yeah?" Louis asked innocently. 
"We'll leave in an hour okay?" Harry asked, not looking at Louis. 
Louis could feel his heart speed up, this was becoming way too real. "Uhm well, hmmm..." He stammered. "I was hoping to maybe..." He didn't even know what he was supposed to say.
Harry pulled him closer. "Lou, you have to. I know this can be scary, but you can't just wait till it falls out." 
"Why can't I?" Louis asked, his hands shaking violently. 
Harry rolled his eyes. "Because you'll die before that happens." 
"Is that such a bad thing?" Louis asked, content on not agreeing with Harry, whom didn't even respond to this, he just took Louis' hand and patted it, while sitting there, looking pretty. There was a long pause before Louis spoke up again.  "I can't promise anything, but I'll try, okay?"
"That's all I'm asking." 

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