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Harry's POV

"Louis, please." Harry said. He was getting frustrated. He had tried to convince Louis to get back to his office for a while and he was getting desperate. Louis needed to have a permanent crown put on and he still had a few cavities that needed to be taken care of.
"No." Louis was sitting on the kitchen counter, his arms crossed.
"Louuuuuu." Harry whined.
"Please,  baby."
"Yeah,well, how about no." Louis shook his head and smirked at Harry cheekily. 

"You won't get any sex until you get your teeth fixed." Harry said angrily. 
"That's more of a punishment for yourself as it is for me, Harry. You're the one that can't get enough of me." 
Harry groaned. "Why not, Louis? You know I want to help!" 
Louis blushed a bit. "I don't want to, Harry. It's awkward." He said. He was playing with his hands awkwardly. 
"It's not, Lou. I've seen your mouth already." 
"And that was bad enough, Harry. I was perfectly happy without you being me bloody dentist."
"You were miserable. Remember the pain?"
Louis shook his head. He was so stubborn... "No, I don't think so. I was fine, nothing  couldn't have dealt with myself, thank you very much." 
Harry shook his head in frustration. "That's ridiculous, Louis. I mean I'm sure your teeth are still sensitive. That cavity on this premolar-" He tapped one of Louis' teeth that was shown by his cheeky grin.
The grin faded and Louis covered his mouth quickly. "What the fuck are you doing, you ass. That hurt, god damn it." He cursed as he rubbed his cheek. 
Harry looked at Louis in shook. "Sorry, sorry, god, sorry. That wasn't on purpose, I'm sorry." 
Louis rolled his eyes. "You're so clumsy, seriously, how are you even a dentist? You should have know not to touch that tooth, dumb ass." 
Harry shrugged. He had actually asked himself that question a few times. He was clumsy with everything, except for the delicate dental work he was doing, it was weird, really. "I'm sorry I hurt you, Louis. But this shows how badly you need to have that tooth fixed. You know teeth aren't supposed to be sensitive..." He looked deep into Louis' ocean blue eyes. They were so pretty, changing colour with the lightening of a room. "You're pretty." 
Louis couldn't help a little smile escaping onto his lips. "You're beautiful." He said.
Harry blushed. They complemented each other all the time and he loved it. Their friends would usually grow sick of it within a short period of time, though, which was sort of irritating. "Why are you so distracting? I'm trying to convince you that you need to get your teeth fixed. You also need a cleaning, your mouth is dirty." 
Louis blushed at that badly and covered his mouth out of reflex. Harry hadn't really noticed it often, but Louis seemed to be pretty self conscious of his smile. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. That was rude. I didn't mean the way it came out." Sometimes Harry said things he didn't mean. That was why he usually took his time to talk, making sure everything he said made sense. "They aren't dirty like you don't brush them, you just didn't have a cleaning in a bit." He tried to explain, putting his hand on Louis' cheek. "Your smile is beautiful, honey."
Louis shook his head. "No it's not. I know it doesn't look good. I know I'm gross." He said and Harry noticed the tear in the corner of his eye. "That's why I don't want to have you as me dentist, Hazza. I don't want you to have to deal with me gross mouth."
Harry ran his hand through his hair nervously. "Louis, love. I need you to know that I love your smile. It's nice, your teeth are really straight and for someone who smokes-"
"Speaking of which, I need a fag, can we move this conversation to the balcony? It's stressing me out to say the least." 
Harry hated when Louis smoked, but he nodded. Everything to calm Louis down for the moment. Louis grabbed the packet of cigarettes, snatched one and lit it as soon as they opened the door.
"Where was I? Oh, yes. Your teeth look great for someone who smokes and hasn't had a cleaning in years, baby. I just meant you could benefit from  a good cleaning. Everyone could, really." Harry tried to explain. 
"You think this conversation's helping, yeah?"
"I think I need to talk to you somehow." 
"I don't want to do this, Harry. I'll just brush me teeth really well and I'll be fine, okay?"
"Definitely not."
"I wish you weren't a dentist. I'm so bad at saying no to things you want."
Harry grinned. "That's a yes."
Louis rolled his eyes. "I'm doing this for you."
"You'll thank me later."

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