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Louis' POV

Half an hour after taking that pill Louis did feel better. Harry and him where cuddling on the couch at the moment. They weren't talking or anything, just sitting there, enjoying each others presence. Louis was feeling oddly tired, but he guess that it was the affect of that weird drug. He hadn't cared to ask what it was or how it worked. 
"How are you feeling?" Harry asked softly as he was playing with Louis' fringe. 
"A bit better." Louis admitted. 
"That's good. How about you get ready, then?"
"Not that good." Louis said quickly. He still didn't have the intention of getting that damn root canal. 
"I told you it will make it easier, but it's not going to take all the fear away, Lou. That won't happen that easily."
"I don't wanna." Louis whined. 
"I know." Harry said as he pulled his boyfriend off the couch. "Come on. Brush your teeth and let's go." 
Louis walked to the bathroom where he splashed his pale face with some cold water. 'you can do this, Louis. Do it for Harry...' he told himself. He got his toothbrush and paced up and down the room nervously while brushing his teeth thoroughly. He even flossed, despite hating the burning sensation in his gums from doing that. He took a few deep breaths before he left the bathroom and walked over to a dressed up Harry. 
"Awe, no, you're shaking, love."
"No shit, Sherlock. I hate this. Let me get this straight-"
"You're not straight." Harry said with a grin. 
"Why  am I with you? Your puns are so terrible. Anyways, as I was saying, I'm so going to never see a dentist again in me life if this will be anywhere close to the thing last time."
Harry nodded. "That sounds fair. I promise it will be fine, though." 
"You say that now."
"Oh how I love your sassiness Mr. Louis William Tomlinson." Harry said with a smile before he gave Louis a peck on the cheek. "Let's go." He said as he pushed Louis through the door and into the car. 

The drive went by fast. Way too fast for Louis' liking. 
"Come on, Lou. Get up, lovely."
Louis shook his head. He hadn't unbuckled the seatbelt yet and sat there cross armed. 
Harry, whom was standing at Louis' side, where he had opened the door, chuckled, leaned over him, unbuckled the seatbelt and lifted Louis into his arms. "Good thing you're such a smol bean." He said grinning. 
"I hate you Harry. Let me dooooown." Louis screamed. 
"You're hot when you're stubborn." Harry said simply as he carried Louis to his office. Louis hit Harry's back and mumbled a few insults, but Harry didn't appear to notice. The door was open which surprised Louis. 
"Wait, there is someone here?"
"I can't do this on my own, Louis. I need someone to assist." 
"No fucking way. There is not some random person with torture tools with you, Harry. I didn't agree to that." 
Harry rolled his eyes. "It's Diana, you love her."
"Not anymore." 
"Uhu, sure." Harry carried Louis into the exam room and dropped him off into the chair. Louis heart sank. He hated this place so much. it made him feel trapped.
"I hate how it smells here." Louis complained. 
"You hate everything."
"True that, just let me leave." Louis tried to get up, but there was Diana coming into the room. Louis was quite embarrassed, because Diana was lovely and always polite. He felt bad for swearing and saying the things about her. 
She smiled at him. "Hi Louis, how are you doing."
"Amazing." Louis said in a sarcastic manner. 
"I see." She said laughing, showing off her perfect smile. She placed a tray down and went on clip a bib onto Louis. 
"I feel stupid." Louis said, feeling his heartbeat raise. "Who's idea was it to use a bib? I feel like a toddler." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose to concentrate on not throwing up. 
Harry sat down on his stool. He had an x-ray in his hand. "Okay, Louis. I need to take another x-ray to check how many canals that tooth has. How about we do that first?" 
Louis thought about throwing a fit for a second, but he felt sort of tired and he knew that Harry was going to make him anyway and it really wasn't worth the energy. He wasn't actually scared of the x-ray and everything that prolonged the time before they started was a good thing in Louis' book. It was still a dentist specific thing, though and it raised Louis' heartbeat even more. 
"Can you relax into the chair for me, love?" Diana asked. 
"Relax." Louis coughed, but he leaned back like the good boy he was. He felt so stupid and he was shaking. "I want to go home." 
"I know you do. But don't you want to stop thinking about that tooth?" Harry asked. 
Louis swallowed. "Just take that stupid picture of me fucking disgusting tooth." 
"Your tooth is not disgusting, it just needs some taking care of." Diana said politely. 
'Yeah, I'm not a child, don't play dumb on me.' Louis thought, but he wasn't going to say that. "Yeah, alright."
Diana placed a lead apron on top of him and that weird neck protector and her and Harry left the room for a second. 
"Okay, so now that's done I'm going to take another quick look at that tooth before I numb you."
Louis shook his head. 
"Oh come on, Lou. I promise you won't even feel it. I'm really good at injections."
"How can one be good at injections? How is this even legal? Your job should be illegal, Harry."
Harry chuckled. "I know you're nervous, Lou. But I'm here to help and this injection will help you. Just close your eyes and count to a hundred and it will be over. 
"Close my eyes and let you do that scary torture thing?"
Louis didn't know what to do. He really hated needles, but the idea of getting this done without being numbed was utterly terrifying. 

"This is small, no need to waist lidocaine." The dentist said as he sat down. 
"Are you sure?" Louis asked nervously. 
"You think I'm dumb? See, the NHS pays the same, no matter if I numb you or not. This will only hurt a bit, you'll be fine. You're not a baby anymore, are you?" The dentist said, exchanging annoyed looks with his assistant. 
Louis nodded. He would much rather have been sure, but he didn't want to cause a scene and have them yell about having another cavity. 
"Open wide." The dentist said, holding a mirror and the handpiece over Louis lips. 
Louis opened his mouth. At first he was relieved. It really didn't hurt. It ached a bit, but it really wasn't too bad, but the longer it took Louis could feel more and more. He winced at one point.
"Hm, I didn't think this was that deep." The dentist said and Louis couldn't help cringing. "Don't move. Hold still." The dentist scolded as he continued drilling into the tooth with his heavy hand. 
Louis raised his hand. 
"I'm nearly done." The dentist said over the high pitched noise of the drill. 
By Louis standards ten minutes wasn't nearly done, but he was too scared to move. He just lay there, wishing for it to be over.

If Louis had told Jay about any of this she would probably have proceeded to get that place shut down, but he never did. He was quite embarrassed about the entire thing. 
"Are you okay?" Harry asked. 
Louis nodded. 
"Can you open your mouth for me, pretty?" 
Louis stomach turned and he shook his head as a tear run down his face. 
"Oh come here." Harry said as he pulled Louis into a hug. "I'm only taking a look, love. Just a mirror, nothing scary." He showed Louis the tiny mirror. 
Louis nodded and opened his mouth slowly, eyes locked with Harry's. 
"There we go." Harry said as he inspected Louis' tooth. "Okay, thank you. I'm going to put some numb gel on the area of the injection so you don't feel it as much, okay?" 
Louis nodded and soon felt something cold being placed in his mouth. It tingled and he had the urge to lick it off, but he didn't. A few minutes later Harry took out the q-tip and disposed of it in this litter under the sink. "Okay, Lou. I'm going to inject some lidocaine now to get you all situated."
Louis shivered. 
"You're doing phenomenal." 
"I'm sure." Louis said, laughing dryly. 
"No, really. I know this is terribly hard for you and you're doing great. Open your mouth again when you're ready." Harry praised. He brushed Louis' cheek with his hands and which oddly comforting, despite the gloves.
Louis leaned back, closed his eyes, gripped the armrests tightly and opened his mouth. He could feel Harry's hands in his mouth, but after about a minute he retracted them and Louis felt his mouth tingling more. "That's it?" 
"I'm a good dentist, you know?" Harry said with a smirk. 
"No kidding." Louis said as he poked his cheek. 
"We'll wait a few minutes and then I'll check if you're good to go, okay?"
Louis mumbled something inaudible as he sat up. "I need the loo."
"Just down the corridor." Diana said. 
Louis got up and walked to the toilets slowly. He didn't really need a wee, but he needed a break from that room. Everything was too much, the scent, the instruments. He went to the small bathroom and locked himself in before he slit down the wall. He closed his eyes and tried his hardest not to cry. Why wasn't he feeling better, wasn't that stupid pill he took early supposed to make him feel better?

"Lou?" Louis heard Harry's voice asking. "Are you still in there?" 
'Who would be in there if it wasn't me?' Louis wandered. 
"Lou, will you come out, please?" 
"No." Louis replied stubbornly. 
He heard some clinging noise before the door was opened. 
"Hey!" Louis complained. "I could have been naked or something. 
"Nothing I haven't seen before." 
"Why do you have a spare key?" 
"I work with small, scared people, some of them are kids. The bathroom's a good place to hide." Harry explained with a grin. 
"I'm big." Louis complained.  
Harry sighed. "Louis please. I want to help you and you know that." 
Louis felt himself being lifted off the floor and pulled into another hug he really didn't deserve. 

Do tell me what you think! All the love to you lovely people that support me.

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