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Harry's POV

Harry jumped up to get Diana, whom was sitting in their office, doing paper work. "Love, would you mind helping me?" He asked. 
Diana grinned. "I'd love to. What do you need me to do?"
"Just a cleaning." 
"I thought you were going to do his cleaning." She said curiously. 
"Not on my boy, on me. It's been a while and I want Louis to see how easy it is." Harry explained as they walked over to the treatment room Louis was in. 
"That sounds like a great idea." Diana agreed. They entered and she went straight to washing her hands and putting on a pair of gloves. 
Harry smiled at Louis, whom was sitting on one of the visitor's chairs. 

Harry changed the tray really quick before sitting in the comfortable chair. "You okay, love?"
"I should be the one asking, not you. I'm fine, though." Louis said with a weak smile. "As long as I don't have to endure the torture."
Harry rolled his eyes at the use of the word torture. That really wasn't what this was at all, but he couldn't be mad at Louis for it. Louis was scared. 

Diana clipped a bib on Harry's neck before sitting down on the swivel stool. "Anything bothering you lately?" She asked, tools in hand. She was ready to start.
Harry chuckled. "I'm good." 
Diana nodded. "Okay, open for me. I'm just going to check your teeth really quick before doing the cleaning. Cordo will come in to check on them thoroughly when he had time, too."
Harry huffed. "I don't need James to check, my teeth are flawless." He said proudly. He never really had any trouble with his teeth. Rebellious teen years had left him with two fillings years ago, but other than that he never had any serious work done, no braces or anything. He even got to keep his wisdom teeth. He leaned back and opened his mouth wide. 
"You do have pretty teeth." Diane commented as she ran the explorer along the occlusal surface of his teeth to check the fissures. 
Harry was able to feel Louis' tension all through the room, when Diana worked on his mouth, and gave him a thumbs up to reassure him. 
About half way in Diana stopped. "Hmm." She also muttered something Harry didn't quite catch. 
"Hargon?" He asked, 'pardon' not coming out properly, but with years in dental work you usually learned what people meant. 
"Well, I think I  found a cavity, there, Harry. It's actually decently sized." Diana said grinning. 

Harry's eyes widened in reflex. "I doubt that."
"I don't. It's pretty obvious, even without that fancy degree of yours." Diana actually chuckled. 
"Excuse me, Diana. I haven't had a cavity in years. I brush well... No way it's decay."
"Want me to prove it? Open!" She instructed. 
Harry was annoyed. Why was she being so stupid. He didn't have a cavity for fuck sake. It was probably a bit of dicolouration or something. He opened his mouth, ready to have her apologise for her obvious misjudgment when he felt a sharp pain lingering through his jaw. His hand flew up to his cheek and he could hear a sharp breath being taken by Louis. 
Harry looked at Diana in shook as she gave him a very obvious 'I told you so' grin. 
"Give me a mirror." 
Diana laughed out loud at his somewhat childish behaviour but got him a makeup mirror from a drawer. 
Harry grabbed the mirror. "Which one?" 
Harry grabbed the small mouth mirror and stuck it inside his mouth before trying to take a look. It was nearly impossible to see the tooth in question because it was on the top in the back, and it took a while for Harry to adjust the light into a position where he could see anything at all. Right when he got the hang of it the door opened and James came in. 
"Helloooo." He said. 
Harry dropped the two mirrors a bit late and he could see a smile creeping up on James' face. 
"What's going on here?" James asked way too happily. 
Harry turned to Diana and gave her an angry look. "You send him a message, didn't you?"
"Well you seemed so concerned..." Diana lied, looking way too excited. 

James coughed. "You mind if I take a look, Harry?"
"Actually I do. I'd like to keep our relationship on a friends level and not have you as my dentist." Harry said crossing his arms childishly. 
That made Louis laugh out loud. "I wonder where I've heard that excuse before. Oh, I remember, was that me a while back?" 
Harry looked at Louis sticking out his tongue. 
"Harry you need to have it checked out before it gets worse." Louis argued. 
He was right and Harry didn't want to put up too much of a fight with Louis being present, as he didn't want to give the impression of it all being bad. It wasn't like he was scared or anything, right?

"I'm just going to take a look, Harry." James said, sweet as always. He snapped on a pair of gloves. 
"If it makes you happy, fine. I swear it's not a cavity, though. Diana probably stabbed my gums or something."
Diana nodded and spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, sorry. I thought it was a bit of pulp, but it was actually your gums, I'm sure."She laughed at Harry's silliness. 
"I'll be a judge of that, despite obviously trusting Diana's opinion." James said as he literally winked at Diana. "Open your mouth, Harry."
Harry looked at Louis, whom smiled lovingly. "You can do this." He said encouragingly. 
Harry frowned at James one more time before opening his mouth. He was scared, though he wouldn't admit that. He hated needles, they were terrible, especially in his mouth. Back when practicing injections in dental school he had regularly fainted because of them. Just the thought of a sharp needle pinching through his skin was grotesque. He shivered a bit. 
"You're alright, H." James said before quickly scanned the whole mouth. When he got to the left side the clicked his tongue in disapproval. "27, right?" He asked a moment later. 
"Yes, exactly."
"Yeah, that's a cavity. I could've spotted that from a yard away." James said, though he still took an extensive look. "Considerably sized, too."
Harry's heart pounded out of his chest. He couldn't have a cavity. No fucking way. He closed his mouth angrily. 
"Someone's got a bit of a temper." Louis said as he walked over to Harry, whom flinched away from Louis' gentile touch. "Hey, how is this me fault? I'm trying to be nice, here."
Harry shook his head. He gathered himself before speaking to Louis. "I'm sorry, I'm obviously not mad at you. just a bit frustrated, that's all. This shouldn't happen to a dentist." 
James smiled. "It happens to the best of us, H."
Louis squeezed his shoulder. This time Harry didn't make any unnecessary fuss. "Don't worry, Hazza. I'll be here." 
Harry's heart swell up with fondness. Just a few minutes ago Louis was the one needing comfort and now he was comforting Harry? He was adorable, that was for sure. 
"I don't have time to fill it today, Harry. How about Friday?" James asked, glancing at his clock. 
Harry looked at Louis. "Do you think you can come?" He was just going to let future Harry deal with the whole needle thing, right now he really didn't want to think about it.
Louis ran his fingers through Harry's curly. "Of course, silly. Always."
James and Harry checked with their schedules before James excused himself to see the next patient. 

"Do you think you can handle the clean, still?" Diana asked. 
Harry sighed but nodded. "I guess so, yes." He didn't mind a cleaning at all, and because of his rigorous brushing and flossing regiment they usually didn't take long at all and Louis needed to see how easy they were. "Go on and start." he said opening his mouth, trying to keep his mind from wandering off to needles by keeping his eyes locked with Louis'.

Louis' POV

So Harry was scared? Like legit scared of getting dental work done? Interesting, very interesting. Louis wondered why Harry had never talked about it, but then again, why would 'e? When would that have come up. It wasn't like Louis hadn't gone to full length to avoid that topic of conversation. He even changed the channel on the telly when there was a commercial break in order to avoid toothpaste ads. 
Louis was now sitting next to Harry, holding his hand tightly, only watching a fraction of what was going on. 
It really didn't look too terrible as Diana's swift hands changed between tools quickly before she went to get the hand piece. 
Louis jumped at the sound. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I should have warned you. It's not the drill, but more like a very fast electric toothbrush. I know the sound isn't great." She said before starting again. 
Louis held Harry's hand tightly, but Harry didn't even flinch. He just sat there, his eyes on Louis'. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad?

Once Harry was done they switched places again without a fight from Louis. It took him a while to get comfortable enough to open his mouth. The cleaning wasn't great. There was a good amount of blood, but Harry was being as gentile as possible and he apologised for everything and made sure to get the blood sucked off rather quickly. By the end Louis mouth still tasted disgustingly metallic and mixing it with the minty polishing paste wasn't that nice, either. All together Louis was sure it took much longer than it had for Harry, too. 

"Are we finally done?" He asked once he was allowed to rinse with water. 
"All done. You did amazing, Louis."
"I know, I'm great." 
Harry chuckled. "I'm really proud, Lou."

Okay, there is going to be one more chapter. Harry needs the filling and Louis' in for a surprise ;) Thank you for all the votes and over 2k reads. Love to see that people like me writing. 

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