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Louis POV

"You'll be okay." Harry said as he took Louis' hand. 
"I'm not too sure about that." Louis said nervously. This was terrible, why did this man have to be a dentist, again? That was a stupid job, anyways...  They only had to walk a few minutes until they reached Harry's office.
Harry unlocked the door and led Louis inside.
Louis had actually never been to the office, not the inside anyways, he usually waited outside when picking up Harry. He was sort of impressed with how light and comfortable everything looked. He tried breathing through his mouth but he could kind of taste the odor of the dentist's office and he felt ready to faint. "I don't feel good, Hazza." He said looking into Harry's worried green eyes. 
"Just follow me and you get to sit down in a second." Harry said, putting his arm around Louis' waist to support him. 
Louis let himself be guided to the exam room but didn't make the step inside. "Uhm, I think... Maybe not..."  Harry was a little more forceful now and sort of  pushed Louis into the exam room where he got sat down in a chair that supposedly was not meant for the patient. 
Harry got a glass filled with water that Louis sipped slowly. It did help a bit, actually, which was nice. "Louis, I need to do some paperwork first, okay? Just answer my questions honestly." He said, still not letting go of Louis hand. "There is a bit of stuff I can fill out myself." He said as he was typing. "But tell me, do you have any allergies?" 
"Yeah, you know that I'm allergic to latex, that's it though, I think." Louis said. 
Harry smirked. "Yeah, I knew the latex thing." Louis grinned awkwardly at that. Harry typed before asking another question. "Any previous treatments? Fillings, root canals, extractions, braces anything like that?"
Louis bit his lips. "Yeah, I guess. But I don't really remember." He said.
"Okay, well I'll probably take x-rays anyway then I can just take a look at that, too. Can you tell me when your last appointment was?" Harry asked.
Louis blushed. "A while ago..." He said.
Harry raised his brows. "A bit more specific, please."
"I think it was in 2009." Louis said not looking up.
Harry took his hand. "It's okay, Louis, don't worry."

Harry's POV

That was pretty long. Nothing Harry wasn't used to, but still pretty impressive. Louis must be truly terrified. "How are you feeling?" 
Louis shrugged. "I don't know. Sort of sick, to be honest." 
"That's okay." Harry said and placed a bin in front of Louis. "If you do  have to throw up please try to avoid me or the equipment, okay?"
Louis rolled his eyes which made Harry smile. "I'll do my best." Louis said quietly, his voice very unsteady. Harry had never seen him this scared before. Usually Louis was such a happy puppy, this was so different.
"Do you think you can sit down in the chair for me?" Harry asked, looking at Louis with a smile Louis couldn't usually resist. 

Louis' POV

Louis pressed his fingers to his forehead, trying hard to not actually throw up. He took a few deep breaths before he slowly got up and walked over to the recliner chair. He sat down on the edge,  still able to have his legs standing on the ground. 
"Love you are doing great, I promise." Harry said encouragingly. He ran his fingers through his hair that he had just cut down again and Louis felt himself getting hypnotised by those green eyes once again. He was feeling much calmer. The sick feeling in his stomach didn't go away, but it was dulled by the butterflies that Louis still felt when looking at his boyfriend. "Louis, I'm going to get ready now, can you try sitting down in the right position?" Harry asked before he got up to wash his hands and put on a pair of gloves. Louis was thankful that Harry had only put the mask on the tray instead of having it on yet. He picked up a tray with a bunch of torture tools and placed it on the little table that was hooked up to the chair before covering it with a sheet. Louis was still sitting on the chair like he did before. When Harry noticed he smiled at Louis and placed his now gloved hand on Louis' shaking leg. "Lou, nothing is happening, okay? This is just a very comfortable chair that you can sit in." 
Louis bit his lip nervously before sitting down like any normal person would. "I'm trying here, okay?"
"And you're doing great." Harry said, still in his amazingly calm voice. 
"Harold, don't praise me for achieving nothing." Louis said quickly before he leaned back a tiny bit. Luckily the chair wasn't adjusted  yet and right now it actually was still comfortable. 
"Just saying..." Harry said with a smirk on his perfect lips. "Shall we do something I can reward you for later, now?" 
Louis' eyes widened. "I'm not ready yet. just give me a little more time, please." 
Harry nodded "That's okay, love. Take the time you need." He took Louis hand massaging it lightly and humming. After about five minutes he coughed awkwardly. "Louis, are you feeling better?"
Louis, whom had tried very hard not to concentrate on anything but Harry's deep voice was in shock. He wasn't ready. He wouldn't get any more ready, either. He just didn't want to do this. "I'm leaving, this makes no sense, it's awkward and stupid." Louis said as he flung his legs off the chair to get up.
He felt Harry's strong hand holding him in the chair. "You're not leaving yet, Lou. I want you to make actual progress. I NEED to know what's wrong with your tooth, love. Just let me take a peek, please. Just a quick exam so I know what's going on." 
Louis shivered and he felt his eyes well up again. He hated it, he had never hated anything as much as this place. He felt so vulnerable and he really just wanted to leave and forget about this, but it's wasn't like his tooth or his boyfriend would let him do that. He couldn't flee, either, which in itself was terrifying. He had always been able to get around those appointments, but not today it seemed. "Harry, I..." He choked, took a deep breath and sat back into the normal position. 
"Thank you so much." Harry said and brushed a tear off Louis' cheek that Louis hadn't even noticed. "How about I lean you back a little? I can just take a quick look at the tooth that's bothering you?"
Louis cringed at that. "I don't want you to take a look, Haz. That's so awkward..." 
"You want someone else as your dentist, Lou? I could ask one of my-" Harry offered. 
Louis shook his head violently. "That would be worse, no, please, no." He said anxiously. "Don't make me see someone else, no." His voice very high pitched. 
"Just an offer, don't worry. I won't get anyone if you don't ask me to." Harry said. "Okay, Lou. I want you to take my hand and then I'll lean you back just enough for me to see, okay?" 
Louis nodded slowly, not really wanting to agree, but it wasn't like he'd be feeling any better if he waited longer. Better be the adult he supposedly was.
"Great, thank you." Harry took Louis' hand and Louis squeezed it tightly while Harry lowered the chair. 
Louis felt his heart speed up and he tried his best not to hurt Harry's hand squeezing it too hard. His eyes were shut tightly and he tried to remember something fun. Feeling relived when the chair stopped moving Louis opened his eyes again and smiled at Harry a bit whom looked like the proudest parent. He was adorable, Louis had to admit that. 
"Wow, very well done, you didn't even break my hand." Harry said and Louis laughed a nervous laugh at the comment. 
"I'm fearless." Louis said, still feeling rather awkward and worried that he was just going to puke on Harry's new shoes. To be fair, Harry had about three hundred pairs, so it wouldn't be too much of a loss. Note

Hey :) Thank you for your kind words. I really enjoy writing this. I'd love to hear what you think!

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