the willow tree

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"i know this transformation is painful, but you're not falling apart; you're just falling into something different, with a new capacity to be beautiful."

- william c. hannan -

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from my window is a great view of the outside world. smack in the middle of it is a willow tree that is already greening.

for some odd reason i am yet to know, you loved that willow tree. even though i thought it was ugliest fucking tree i'd ever seen.

i used to wonder if for you it signified something i couldn't understand. i still search up the symbolism of willow trees sometimes.

it's most outstanding symbolism is apparently its flexibility. the ability of the willow tree to bend in outrageous positions and manage not to snap.

its brown trunk symbolises stability, structure and support. it apparently stands firm, withstanding the greatest of challenges.

it's funny. i guess you were my willow tree for the longest time. my support system. and because of me, you had to bend in ridiculous poses.

but i guess the poses became to outrageous for you to stand. and you eventually snapped.

ironically, i've come to like this willow tree. for me it is now more than an ugly creepy tree in the view from my window.

i read that the leaves represent the balance, harmony and growth people experience through the storms and challenges of life.

now in an odd way, the willow tree gives me hope, a sense of belonging. safety and the ability to let go of the pain and suffering i have experienced and grow new, strong and bold.

i got it tattooed on my right shoulder. it hurt like hell. and i don't know why i did it but i felt like i needed a willow tree around me constantly.

maybe i'm grasping at wisps to keep my sanity but the image of the willow tree is my path to stability, hope and healing.


is it weird that i like willow trees because i think they look like the saddest trees

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