Chapter 1: Rewind

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Chapter 1:
Daniella’s POV: I was hurting inside, left broken and misplaced. I let everything around me fall to pieces. I lost Alan my sweet Alan there is a giant hole in my heart and nothing feels right anymore. I wanted to die my life without him in it felt empty and worthless. It was all my fault I left him standing there in the pouring rain I didn’t want him to see the tears streaming down my face I couldn’t handle to see him heartbroken but I did what I had to do. I was ruining his life and everyone could see I had to let him go even though I loved him. Nobody knows the story behind us not until now. Let me rewind to how I met Alan Ashby and let me tell you our story. It was February 18th 2014 and it was the night of the Bring Me the Horizon/ Of Mice & Men concert. I and my best friend Kirsten were getting ready “Hey Dani we have front row and we get to meet Austin, Alan, Oli and Jordan! Cheer Up!” I had been really depressed the past couple of days and I just wanted to be left alone but Kirsten insisted on dragging me to this concert. Yeah of Mice & Men may be my favorite band but I honestly did not feel like going. I did my makeup around my deep green eyes and curled my long black hair. I threw on a ripped black shirt, faded skinny jeans, black high top converse and a bow. I didn’t want to bring too much attention to myself unlike Kirsten who was wearing an overly outdated black tutu with neon green high tops. She was 5”7 of pure weirdness that is what made her different from everyone else she was unique. Me I’m just 5”8 of antisocial awkwardness. We leave and drive to the venue. “Dani! Are you excited?” “Well I’m about as excited as I will ever be!” she smiles as we arrive. We show our passes to the bodyguards and walk into a room where I lay eyes on Alan Ashby the most perfect ginger on the planet. He looks at me and widens his eyes and smiles. I walk up and he gives me his autograph “Hey I’m Alan what’s your name?” “Hey and Daniella but everybody calls me Dani.” “Nice to meet you Dani here you go.” As he smiles handing me a signed picture out beside his name he wrote his number I kept my cool on the outside and was freaking out on the inside. The concert begins and they begin with Would You Still Be There and the whole time I watch Alan he spots me dancing and starts smiling once more. What is up with him smiling when he sees me? I ask myself and that was a good kind of question one that I would ask myself over and over a million times.

Alan’s Pov: I spot this amazing girl that I had given my number at the meet and greet dancing in the crowd. There was something about her that just clicked with me I continued to play and the crowd cheered as Bring Me the Horizon started playing their set. I get a text from a random number saying “Nice performance loved every second of it xoxo anonymous” I smiled wondering if it was Dani wait I remembered her name? Of course I did I would be stupid if I didn’t. I turn to Austin “hey you know that girl Dani?” “The one that came in with the girl in the outrageous tutu?” “Yeah her and that was a tutu?” I say laughing “man are you starting to like this chick? And yeah it was.” “I don’t know maybe she was beautiful though I just got this amazing vibe when she looked at me.” “Dude your falling…hard.” I smile and walk away maybe I was maybe it was just a friendly feeling but if it was something that would be awesome.

Daniella’s Pov: The show ends and I texted Alan not telling him who it was just to leave him guessing. I head out of the venue with Kirsten arms locked laughing my mood went from depressed to happy just like that. “See told you this would help.” “No! Don’t you give me the I Told You So speech.” “Fine I won’t.” “Thank you!” just then someone walks up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. “Umm excuse me Dani?” I turned around and it was Alan “Oh hey.” “So umm before we leave I just wanted to catch you and ask did you text me?” “How did you know?” I say smiling “just knew I guess.” “Something tells me that you didn’t run all the way out here just to ask me that.” “Oh yeah right umm is there any way that if I give you a ticket to our next show you would come?” “Umm yeah sure I would be glad to.” He smiles handing me the ticket to tomorrow night’s show “ALAN!” they call him “I have to go see you tomorrow night.” He kisses me on the cheek and runs off leaving me in a daze. I hop in my car just sitting there “Hello earth to Dani.” “Oh umm yeah sorry.” I say while pulling out of the parking lot. Alan Ashby just kissed me… on the cheek and I got his number yeah my night has been made I take Kirsten home and finally get home myself and turn off the light and go to sleep. I was the happiest person alive.

Alan’s Pov: I get into the tour bus and plop down on the couch smiling like an idiot. I think to myself “Dani? A tall slender girl with deep green eyes and long black hair and pale skin and a smile that could leave you breathless.” Just thinking about her made me smile. I try to contain any feelings because I’m on the road 24/7 and I can’t even think about it I can’t that is just how my life works now tomorrow after I see her is it no more, friends maybe but no more. I go to my bunk and fall asleep saddened by the gut-wrenching thought of tomorrow night that may haunt me for good.

This Story Does Get Better I Promise!!!:) But I Update ALOT!!! So I Hope You Guys Are Enjoying It So Far!!!! Please Comment Your Thoughts:)

You're Not Alone You're With Me: An Alan Ashby Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now