Chapter 26: I've Missed You

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Chapter 26:

Daniella's POV: I wake up to see red hair and brown eyes holding me. I kiss him. God this isn't real is? I've missed him like crazy and now he's here...with me. I jump off of him and run and hug Evie "thank you!" I run back to Alan and hug him tightly. "I missed you so much!" He smiled "I missed you too." Austin grabs me and hugs me "I've missed my best friend!" "Your still on that Austin?" I laugh "yep." "Hey Alan can I borrow her for five minutes." He nods and Austin drags me to the kitchen "you need to tell him about Lauren!" "Austin I can't! They were awful!" "Tell him! He might surprise you!" "Fine,fine!" "Promise me Dani!" "I promise!" I walk back to my room. "Alan I need to talk to you." "What about love?" "Lauren." I saw him cringe at her name "what about her." I clinch my teeth and take a deep breath. "She ummm well she's been uhh threatening me." His face turned for worry to anger in a split second "what kind of threats?" "Well she said she would pry you from my cold dead hands even if it meant killing me to do so, then there was she was on tour with you and you two were hooking up and that she finally had you and she would put me out of my misery if necessary." A tear rolled down my cheek. "Look at me, she's not going to touch you! And she hasn't been on tour with us unless she has been stalking us! But I promise you love she hasn't been with us." I sighed in relief as he looks into my eyes with sincerity. "Tomorrow night me and you?" "Yes what time?" "8pm I'll pick you up." He says with a goofy smile. I nod and say "ok." I didn't want to leave but tomorrow night is the last time I will get to see him until he comes home. He looks at me with sad eyes "love I have to go the show starts in an hour." As soon as he walks out of my room I break down and knew he heard me because he rushed back in and kissed me but this time both of us were crying. He picked me up and sat me on my bed and got on his knees and said "don't you cry anymore I mean it Dani! Stay strong love." And then he was gone and I felt empty again.

Alan's POV: I look at Dani and told her to stay strong I hated to leave her crying like that it killed me inside but I had a show to do. There I go again choosing my career over her, I have fans that need me, but she needs me more. I get ready to go on stage. When we walk out the crowd roared and yet I still felt misplaced. The set was over and me and Austin head back to the bus "man I can't sleep here tonight." "Yeah man me either." We both head back to the girls hotel. We knock on the door. Dani's answers with a tear stained face. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to her room. I close the door behind us and lock it. I lay her gently on the bed and her eyes met mine. I kiss her "it's just us right now, nothing else matters." She smiles and replies "I understand you have to leave a lot and yeah I'm going to miss you while your away but as long as your living your dream its ok." I smile as I pull her close and we drift off to sleep.

Updating more later I also extended this fan fiction it now has 31 chapters instead of 30:) Be excited for the ending!!!:)

You're Not Alone You're With Me: An Alan Ashby Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now