Chapter 3: Live Your Life Dani!

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Chapter 3:
 Daniella’s Pov: I awake to find myself not wanting to get out of bed I force myself to and I fall to my knees they buckled from underneath me. My phone vibrates 4 times and each time it was Alan texting each text read “hey umm Dani if this is still your number I need to see you ASAP!” “Hey Dani I’m sorry ok for any trouble I’ve caused you.” “Please answer and let me know something even a blank text would be nice just please.” “I will leave you alone.” I answer “Ok where and when? And you haven’t caused me any trouble I assure you.” I said that even though I was lying my heart was ripped out of my chest remember. He replies with “downtown at 8.” “Ok.” I throw my phone on the bed still in tears why does he even care? He is the one who let me go that night I’m sorry but I can’t do this right now was written all over his face anybody could’ve told you that. I wipe the tears from my face and get dressed and head downstairs. “Hey Dani do you want some breakfast?” my dad asks “no Dad I’m fine I’m heading out I will be home late love you.” “Love you too dear.” He says as I close the door. I was an only child well at least in this household my mom and dad were divorced and my sister Vanessa lives with my mom. Having a broken family is hard especially when you have to balance out holidays it puts a lot of stress on me but its whatever. I’m residing with my Dad until I can find a place of my own. I’m way over 18 and still living with my Dad that’s weird. I hop into the car and make my way downtown and there I see Alan standing there waiting for me.

Alan’s Pov: I see Dani pull up. “Umm hey.” She says “hey so how have you been?” I say small talk isn’t the best way to address her right now. “I’ve been ok.” “Ok? You haven’t been living your life?” “If you call stuffing my face in ice cream and sitting on my bed watching Tim Burton movies a life.” Oh god I ruined her. “No that’s not a life that’s feeling sorry for yourself.” “Well I guess I’m a lost cause then.” I frown. “Your far from a lost cause Dani you’re a bright and wonderful girl who needs to experience life!” “I think I will pass on that I will stick to my ice cream and movies routine.” “That’s your decision not mine you can decide whether you want to stay in your room 24/7 and waste your life away or get out and live it. You can’t just sit there and let yourself go on account of me and I know I did this so please spare me the no you didn’t I swear phrase.” “Ok fine I will you did make me this way Alan.” “And I’m sorry! Now you need to get out of this state of mind your in and live your life!” she looks at me with sad eyes and says “I can’t Alan” and walks away leaving me there alone.

You're Not Alone You're With Me: An Alan Ashby Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now