Chapter 11: News That Could Shake Someone To Their Core

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Chapter 11:

Daniella's POV:

I live with Alan's sister which makes this twice as more painful. I continued to cry on the drive home. I look at the headlights in front of me and by the time I went to get over I crashed.

Alan's POV: I get a call from Evangeline "hey Alan umm we have a problem Dani never came home last night." "Seriously?" I began to worry. "Yeah and then I got a call a few minutes ago. You might want to sit down." I sit down and brace myself for whatever she has to tell me. "Well ummm Alan there was a wreck she hit someone head on." I begin to cry more as if I haven't cried enough already. I struggle to say anything. "W-what is she oh god Evie please tell me she's ok." "She is in ICU. Alan it's not looking to good they said she wasn't paying attention and she swerved over Ito the wrong lane. She was crying." I break down more "Alan what happened?" "L-l-Lauren happened." "Calm down Alan it's going to be ok! Go to the hospital! She needs you." I grab a taxi and run into the hospital "may I help you." "Daniella Hewitt's room." "Sir are you her family." "Yes." Why did I say yes? God your stupid! She leads me back I walk in and see her laying there all cut up and bruised. She is on a breathing machine. I have to crawl to my chair because I can't stand up because I'm too heartbroken. I grab her hand "please Dani please don't leave me please I Love You."

~Authors Note!!!~
Hey guys so Wattpad was down today and wouldnt let me update so 3 new chapters are being added TONIGHT!!!! Enjoy:)!

You're Not Alone You're With Me: An Alan Ashby Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now