Chapter 24: I Had To Leave Her...Even Though I Promised I Wouldn't

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Chapter 24: ***5 months later***

Daniella's POV: well the past 5 months have been so hectic, Alan went back on tour and I miss him so much. He comes home in two weeks I miss him being next to me. I know Evie misses Austin....yeah they're engaged. I looked at the clock and watch the time pass by slowly. I eat my frozen yogurt and blow the hair out of my face. Evie comes downstairs "hey gorgeous." She says "hey." "Uh oh what's wrong?" "Please don't tell Alan." "Dani what's wrong!" Her face went from worried to scared. "Lauren has been texting me and threatening me oh and here is the best part... She is with them on tour." "Fuck!" She dials Austin's  number "hey babe is Lauren there and don't lie to me if you do I swear Austin I will call us off!" "No she isn't Alan has been in the tour bus and attached to my hip he has been extremely depressed and I don't know how to help him Evie! Every time he gets off the phone with her or skypes her it's like boom instant sadness." "I know she is the same way to she will go for days locked in her room." "God Evie this is bad it's like when they are apart it's a train wreck." "I know hey I have an idea lets fly her out where's your next show?" "Phoenix we are playing two shows there." "Let's fly her out for two nights I'm sure that would brighten their days don't tell Alan though I'm coming too so it won't seem obvious." "Ok well I have to go love you." She hangs up the phone and walks back in the room. "Hey Evie did Alan ask about me?" "No he didn't boo. But me and you are taking a much needed vacation!!" I smile "really! Where to?" "You'll see our flight leaves tomorrow." I run upstairs and pack. I see Alan's shirt on my dresser folded I begin to cry and leave it out to wear. I finish packing and by that time it was 1:37am I decided to go to bed even though tears soaked my face and my pillow.

Alan's POV:

I stare at Dani's picture on my phone. I begin to tear up god I miss her so much every phone call, every skype call, every text is worth all the heartache it causes me. I look at her eyes and realize how much I miss looking into them, I look at her lips and miss kissing them. I miss everything about her. I see Austin talking to Evie. I know how much he misses her. "Did she say anything." "No man, she has been in her room for days." I felt so bad I promised I wouldn't leave her but I had to. "Oh ok." I crawl into my bunk and go to sleep only wishing she was right here beside me in my arms.

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