Chapter 3: The Day Chaos Took Rule

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"Ho ho ho! I can't believe this! I finally won!" hollered the doctor as Sonic was on his hands and knees, gasping for air.

 Sonic was a in bad shape after a brutal fight against Eggman once again, only this time, he lost. He  had never lost to Eggman, especially this close to domination.

Eggman walked over to him, each step full of confidence now that his enemy was defeated. He grabbed Sonic from the back of his head, forcefully making the injured hedgehog to be dragged and limped towards a cliff. He threw Sonic to the ground in front of his feet. 

Sonic winched in pain as he struggled to at least get back on his hands and knees. He overestimated his enemy, and now he was paying the price. 

"Look at what I finally done! All thanks to you, Sonic. Now, look at what we, I created!" Eggman said with a proud shout as he waved his hand around to show his excitement. Sonic looked up, one of his eyes closed and the other struggling to stay open. His gaze widen into a shock expression.

Chaos was everywhere, massive robots were tearing through the streets of the city and most likely were in other parts of the planet. He had let it slip away, and he hated it. Tears trickled down his cheeks as he stared, still with the same expression.

"You finally won....You...You won...," Sonic said in disbelief as he directed his gaze to the ground, watching his tears hit the ground as screams from the city kept tearing through his ears. Eggman chuckled as he put his hands together.

"I'm afraid so. You finally lost your touch and I gained the upper hand today. You helped me achieve my goal," Eggman said with a smirk. The two sat there in silence, with an occasional whimper from the hedgehog.

"But you know....My friends..."

Eggman looked at Sonic who finally pulled his gaze at him, "They won't stop....Until your reign of terror....Is gone, Egghead.....Give up...." he finished with a small smirk.

Eggman huffed a scowl. "Your friends? Sonic, you never learn, do you?" Sonic held a questionable look as he weakly wiped a few tears away. "I finally bested you. What makes you think I won't kill you all? I know where your base is located, and that is the exact reason why I attacked this city first. Your base is in that city, Sonic, the base of The Resistance."

Sonic's eyes widen as he now feared for his friends and their lives. He could care less about his life at the moment. He looked back forward towards the burning city, more tears spilling down his face. He was desperate for anything now.

"I have a proposition for you, hedgehog, but it ain't going to be pretty," Eggman said as he moved in front of Sonic, blocking his view on the city. "You will join my Badnik army and you will follow every command I give you."

Sonic spat out some blood as he chuckled, almost sounding like a madman. "What happens if I don't follow?"

"The Resistance, your friends, and every civilian will die right then and there. If you don't agree to this proposition right now, they'll all die right now as well, along with you."

It was the hardest decision Sonic ever had to make in his life. He regretted it even after they both went back to Eggman's base. Metal Sonic stood inside and looked poised to attack Sonic, but Eggman waved him down.

"Doctor,...He's the enemy. He should be eliminated," Metal said with his robotic voice.

"Not anymore, Metal. He works for me now. You two are now partners in crime. Heheheh," Eggman said as he sat by his computer asking for Orbot and Cubot. 

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