Chapter 11: Best Friends Never Lose Hope

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"It happened a long time ago..." Gadget started. After they all traveled back to the Resistance base, Gadget had told Shadow about how he recognized Infinite. Shadow immediately gathered everyone to the meeting room as he instructed Exe to keep an eye on Sonic who was, at the time, in a healing chamber.

"He was my best friend, Infinite....We were friends for many years. We were treasure hunters, always wanting to collect ancient relics for research to benefit Mobius. He was always wanting to seek for more adventure, while I, being the nerd, always trailed behind him," Gadget said with a small chuckle.

"So...What happened?" Silver asked.

Gadget sighed as he lifted up his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He placed the glasses back onto his eyes and he continued.

"We found what is now called, 'the Phantom Ruby'. On the very outskirts of Mobius, we discovered ancient ruins of what used to be an ancient civilization. According to some of the drawings found on the walls, these early Mobians worshiped an unknown stone filled with unbelievable power. It had the power to create illusions so real, it could trick any of its enemies."

"We found the ruby underground. We fell through a crack in one of the temples and we wandered through what appeared to be a religious, ritual cave. There, in the center, lied the Phantom Ruby. I told Infinite not to grab it, but it was like....He was drawn to it. He pulled it right out and held it so we both can see. I still remember it shining so beautifully, but yet dangerous at the same time. I knew that we shouldn't have found it."

"Um, why not? It sounds like it could be pretty useful now," Knuckles scoffed. Everyone frowned at Knuckles who shrugged in confusion. "What?"

"W-Well you see....The cave was covered in drawings of the rituals these Mobians would do. They would apparently force their own people to wield its power, driving them
insane to the point where they are absorbed into the gem," Gadget said nervously.

"It's too bad. That gem sounded very beautiful to steal," Rouge said with a mischievous smirk.

"Oh, no. You always try to steal the Master Emerald. You're not going after-"

"Knuckles, shut up. We're gathering intel, not stupidity," Shadow said with a small chuckle, earning a few suppressed laughs from everyone except Knuckles. Knuckles huffed as he crossed his arms and turned away.

"Anyways, I didn't notice, but the ruby was already affecting Infinite's mind. I had to stop him. He was already saying ideas of taking revenge on the heroes who destroyed his village during an aftermath of one of Eggman's attacks," Gadget said.

"Heroes? You mean us? We wouldn't destroy anyone's home," Tails said with a saddened tone.

"You did not. It's just, as Eggman destroyed his village, Sonic was able to turn his attention away and force him somewhere else to continue the fight, but he was already too late. No one came back to help him and his people. That's why he has such a hatred towards Sonic," Gadget said.

"Hang on. He mentioned how he always wanted to defeat me. Did you know about that?" Shadow asked.

Gadget shook his head sadly. "Sorry, he never did say anything about you. It must have happened after we cut contact with each other."

"Why did you?" Amy asked with concern.

"I tried to stop him. We battled each other and I was able to get the ruby off of him. I blasted it away and then...He ran off. I never saw him again. The last thing I heard from his clan was that he assembled a band of other Jackals and took off with them as their 'boss'. I knew it still had to be the ruby's fault, still messing with his mind," Gadget said with a sniffle. "I shouldn't have lead him to those ruins. None of this would have happened. I still would have had him as my best friend..." Gadget said as he wiped away tears from his eyes and cheeks.

Silver placed a hand on Gadget's shoulder.

"Hey...We'll get him back, don't worry. I promise," Silver said with a small smile. Everyone else all gave him small smiles as they nodded in agreement to Silver's promise.


Everyone turned towards the opened door where the floating demon was watching from. He had several bandages where his wound lied. He was able to heal quickly due to being a demon.

"He's awake....He's asking for you, hedgie..."

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