Chapter 5: Tears of Creation

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                "I was once a beloved hero in my world. I was Sonic the hedgehog, until one day...The doctor payed me a visit."

                  "He had created a new weapon, a weapon that would finally put me on my knees. You're probably wondering if it worked."

                  "It did. It made me a monster, a monster unable to listen to reason: a demon. I had no control of my actions, and I had no control after what happened next..." Exe trailed off, unable to keep his focus. He crossed his arms and shivered slightly, no wanting to bear thinking of the terrible memories. 

                   "W-What happened after?" Gadget stuttered as he took a step forward towards the glass. Exe sighed, his breath fogging up the glass slightly.

                     "I...My hands....Were drenched..." Exe gulped, shaking a little in panic. His arms were closer to his chest more than ever.

                      "It's alright, Exe. It's alright to tell them," Amy said, her voice full of reassurance.

                    "My hands were drenched in blood, blood from every friend I had ever made, every innocent person in Mobius," Exe said, his eyes closed to prevent tears from falling down. Shadow and Gadget stared wide eyed. 

'Exe was once Sonic? Did he truly kill everyone in his world?' Shadow thought as he struggled to keep his thoughts together.

                     "I destroyed my world, and I killed anyone would stood in my way. I even killed you two, Rose and hedgie. After I killed them all, I absorbed their powers, transforming into a greater monster: a God. All this power came with a price, that I would forever be doomed to roam my world, alone for all eternity. I couldn't see how my own actions blinded me for such crave, such lust, that I was finally alone. That's when I met, her," Exe says, gently opening his eyes and looking at Amy softly. "Somehow, I became trapped between dimensions, eventually leading up to your world...Amy set me free and she changed a monster into what you see before  you. I managed to get back into my  own world and I tried to change it back to the way it was before. I did, but with a cost," Exe said as  looked at his hands. "I lost my transformation to try and restore my friends, but it didn't  turn out as planned.  They were  alive again, yes, but they weren't the same, they never changed. It's like they were...Still dead inside. I had vowed from then on to only use my powers for good, no longer for evil, and that I will try to restore my friends truly back to the way they were."

           A sound was heard as the door to the glass window room was opened, with Shadow standing outside of it. Exe's eyes widen in surprise as Shadow extended a hand towards him.

          "I believe you. I've gone through something similar like you have. We need your help. Please, help us. Help the Resistance. Help the innocent be free as they were before," Shadow said, patiently waiting for Exe's response. Exe hesitated at first, but he glanced at Amy who nodded in approval. He looked back towards Shadow and put his gloved hand on his, allowing Shadow to gently guide him out of the room.

        "Boy, oh boy, this is getting really awesome!" Gadget said in excitement as his tail wagged side to side. Amy giggled as Shadow closed his eyes and allowed a small smile appear. Exe chuckled as he placed a noogie on the red wolf's head, earning a laugh in response.

         "Aye, you said it, wolf. Now. Where do I start?" Exe said with a smal smile.

          "Actually, there are a few things I want you to try out, if you don't mind," Gadget said shyly.


           "That should do it!"

            Gadget had given Exe upgrades to use in battle. He had placed a small chip inside Exe's back, which allowed Exe to spawn black angel-like wings anytime, mostly for defense rather than flying since Exe can already float. Just so Exe's appearance wouldn't freak anyone out, Gadget also gave Exe a black fedora hat with a dark brown trench coat.

          "Well, uh,....I like it, I guess? I'm not sure why this is needed for me..." Exe awkwardly said as he adjusted the coat he had on.

            "I think you look rather handsome in that get-up," Amy said with a smile. Exe smirked gleefully as Shadow grumbled in response. 

            "Let's get a move on. We need to track down that hedgehog before he gets another emerald," Shadow says. 

**********************************IN EGGMAN'S BASE***********************************

          "Sir, we're back with the emerald," Metal says as both he and Sonic stood in front of Eggman, showing him the emerald they had found earlier. 

           "Excellent work, you two! My, aren't you two a pair," Eggman says with a devious chuckle. Before Sonic could say anything, Eggman spoke up again. "Feel free to take care of that for me, won't you, Sonic? It is the only thing that can activate your armor and sword," Eggman says before gesturing the two into another room. Sonic only grumble in response as he stared at the emerald that was on the back of his hand, his armor still activated. Metal and Sonic follow Eggman into another room which looked like a another lab room.

           "Allow me to introduce my greatest creation," Eggman said as he flipped a switch which lit up the room with a bright light. Sonic had to squint a little before his vision turned back to normal. He almost gasped.

            There were three tubes, each tube revealing different subjects: Chaos, Zavok, and what really caught his attention was that the last tube had what he hoped wasn't the real Shadow the hedgehog. 

            "Don't worry too much, it's not him," Eggman grumbled in disgust as Sonic lit up. Only a little did he lit up. "It's just another android I built, but much stronger and faster than the originals I had before, but that's not the only thing I wanted to show you two."

            "What is your other newest creation, doctor?" Metal asked.

             "I have always wanted infinite power, and I thought, why don't I just create it? A being with infinite amounts of energy, always being ready to take my orders. Cheers to my greatest invention yet! I give you...."


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