Chapter 15: The Rise of the Eggman Empire

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Shadow, Exe, and Sonic went towards the metal scratching sound emitting from the hallway. What they didn't expect to happen actually happened, faster than a blink of an eye. A large robot, a familiar robot to Sonic, rose up from the shadows and walked towards them. It seemed to have a magenta aura around it.

"Infinite," Exe spoke as Infinite emerged from behind the robot, along with Metal Sonic.

"Do you take me as a fool?" Infinite said. "I knew you would try to go after the emerald in this base." Shadow grunted as the trio got into a fighting stance.

"We'll get that emerald before you will have a chance to respond again," Exe said with a smirk, obviously impressed by his own comment.

"Is that so? Then, what is this that I have in the palm of my hand?" Infinite said sarcastically as he raised out his hand, revealing a ruby red Chaos Emerald. The three were stunned to see that Infinite had already retrieved the emerald. He handed the emerald to Metal, who chaos controlled himself away, possibly back to Eggman.

"You won't get away with this!" Sonic said as thr robot spun its drill.

"You think that you can still win? Pathetic. In fact, as of right now, everything you know is about to change," Infinite said with confidence.

"Why is that?" Shadow asked, an eyebrow raised up in confusion.

"You don't know, how it makes me laugh. Zavok and Android are probably already demolishing your little gang in the ruins. That's not even the best part," Infinite said with a chuckle.

Shadow, Sonic, and Exe were shocked with how Infinite could know where their two missions were going to be. They were even more worried for Classic Sonic, Tails, and Gadget.

"Currently, my squad has infiltrated your HQ base and is now setting up bombs as we speak. I'm sure they'll be 'blown' away by the surprise," Infinite said with a menacing laugh.

"We have to get out of here, now!" Shadow yelled before the robot snatched him up, knocking back the other two against the wall with its tail.

"Well, let's go see them, shall we? I'm sure they wouldn't want you to miss it for the world," Infinite said with another laugh.

Shadow struggled against the machine's grip, but it seemed to be draining him of his power. He hadn't much luck in resting all these days, especially since he had been out in the field for so long. Sonic and Exe were trying their hardest to get out themselves, but when Exe finally made it out, Chaos had already come back by Infinite's side and was currently trapped inside his aquatic body, his face sticking out for air. Sonic was currently being held by Infinite's power, dragging him along, almost like a corpse.

Hope was almost out.

***************THE RUINS***************

Tails, Gadget, and Classic Sonic weren't in too much luck either. Zavok and Android Shadow were definitely much stronger than their last encounter, and from Tails's calculations, it was due to them having chaos residue from the emeralds.

"What do we do, Tails? I'm running on fumes with my wispon," Gadget yelled out as he continued to attack with his flame wisp energy on his wispon.

"I-I don't know. We're not strong enough to be able to take them both down, but I'm sure with this, it may slow them down!" Tails said as he threw a small looking energy bomb at Classic. Classic looked at it before nodding in agreement as he ran towards Zavok and Android.

"Here comes the pipsqueak!" Zavok yelled at Android who nodded. Zavok smirked as if this was what they were waiting for. Classic activated the bomb and threw it at the two, exploding on impact. As the smoke started to build up in the cave, Tails, Gadget, and Classic made a break for it. Once they got outside, they took a breather.

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