Chapter 6: Infinite

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         "What is the meaning of this? Why I'm I here? How did I get here? Why is he here?"  Zavok asks with disgust in his  voice. Chaos and Android Shadow just stared, confused of why they were there.

           Eggman had finally released Zavok, Chaos, and Android Shadow from their healing pods. They were obviously furious at the doctor, but they were even more confused to see the blue hero standing there in front of them.

             "Relax, zeti, I'm not the current enemy," Sonic says with his arms crossed.

                "Sonic is right. You work for me now, and you will obey my every command, or else," Eggman said in an evil tone.

                   Zavok tisked in disgust. "What makes you think I want to work for you again?"  Chaos nodded in agreement.

                  Suddenly, the last tube finally opened. A dark figure emerged from the smoke as  everyone turned to the mysterious person. 

                  "You will obey my master, or you will perish by my hand ," the figure said in a dark tone.

                      "And you are?" Zavok says, obviously not intimidated by the figure. All of a sudden, Zavok  was lifted in the air by a mysterious magenta aura and was pulled close to the figure. The figure  appeared to be a a wolf surrounded by magenta aura with a mask that covered his face. Only one eye appeared visible through the dark mask that sealed his identity.

                       "Call me.....Infinite," he said as he knocked Zavok across the room and letting him slam into the wall. Both Chaos and Android Shadow both backed off just a little from Infinite.

                        "Ah, Infinite! You are finally ready, I see!" Eggman says excitingly. Infinite ignores him and turns his attention towards Sonic.

                        "According to my knowledge, you're the one they call Sonic, the blue savor," Infinite says as he floats towards Sonic.

                         "Actually, it's blue blur, but close enough, " Sonic says casually. Infinite chuckles slightly as Sonic stands there with a confused look on his face.

                         "What is your business here, hero? Aren't you on the wrong side?" Infinite says floating towards a window.

                            "What says that? Perhaps I'm just here to protect my friends," Sonic says, his fist slightly  clenching.  He could sense Infinites's smile under that mask he was wearing, a dark evil smile  that made Sonic shiver lightly.

                             "I believe you, hedgehog. I also believe that you're lying." Before Sonic could speak up, Infinte raised a  hand up to quiet him. "I believe that somewhere in your heart, you're curious  of what happens on this side. Your hearts wants what it wants, and you're giving it a taste of it. Don't you know curiosity kills the cat? Or hedgehog I should say.  You don't belong here, but...." He turns around and faces Sonic. "I'll allow you to stay. On one condition." He floats towards Sonic. "You will obey every command the doctor and I make. This is my first command. You will spilt apart the Resistance and everyone in it, especially their new leader, Shadow the hedgehog. If you don't....I'll take care of it myself."

                             He raises a claw up to Sonic's chin and forces Sonic to look up at him, whispering in a deadly tone, "Is that clear?"

                              Sonic sighed, clearly in defeat.

   Where do I start?

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