Chapter 7: Trust

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Amy Audio Log 6- "Shadow, Gadget, Exe, and I have just discovered a light tracking trail that could possibly lead to a Chaos Emerald. We...We were unable to retrieve the last emerald we located. Sonic...Sonic has...Gone rogue. Amy Rose signing off."


Amy sighed sadly as she placed her video tape recorder back into her satchel. She was holding back so many tears. She didn't want to let them fall down her cheeks, for she didn't want to appear weak anymore to anyone, especially Sonic.

Not anymore.

"There is no need to be sad, Rose..."

Amy turned to Exe, who was currently floating next to her in a lying down position, his head laying on his curved elbows.

"You don't understand. We needed him. I needed him...," Amy said sadly as she wiped her eyes from tears that were dangerously close to falling down.

Exe stood up and floated in front of her, stopping her from walking as she looked up at him.

"You're too beautiful to cry for him. I know I was once Sonic, but I'm not anymore. You didn't cry for me when I told you I gave up trying to return to that title. I didn't cry either. This? You're killing my poor demon heart with your tears," Exe said with a joking whimper. "Don't cry, okay? I'll protect you. I'm also positive that hedgie will too," he finished with a chuckle.

Amy slightly giggled and sniffed as Shadow turned his head around. He had walked a little head from the small group, but he could still hear their conversation. He blushed lightly at the thought. Gadget's fake cough brought Shadow out of his staring state on Amy.

"Finally received Tails's transmission. It's an audio playback since it was sent a few hours ago, but luckily, what he says in the playback is still true," Gadget says with a small smile as he held the tablet Amy had gave to him to let him use.

"Good. Where's the location of the emerald?" Shadow asked, turning his full attention towards Gadget.

"Um, small problem. It's located in a small town a few miles from here. Problem is that the town is full of bad criminals, neither on the side of Eggman or the Resistance. It may be hard getting through there," Gadget said with a worried tone.

"We have no choice. Eggman is already a step ahead of us. We cannot let this opportunity slip past us. Not while Sonic and Metal are on our trail," Shadow said with a grumble. He still despised the fact that Sonic had betrayed them all. All Shadow wanted to do was get his hands on Sonic and punish him for his wrong doings on the Resistance, especially on Amy's heart.

"Oh, well, alright. Tails said that we have to meet a guy who runs a bar down there. His name is Hornback. He's the only one who seems to actually support the Resistance in secret. He's kept an emerald with him till the Resistance was able to get a hold on him," Gadget said as he typed into the tablet the location details of the emerald.

Shadow turned around to try and tell Amy and Exe about the emerald, but actually got scarred by a certain face and jumper back, landing on the ground.

"So, an emerald huh?" Exe sneered as he poked Shadow's nose, causing Shadow to be uncomfortable with the new member.

"Don't worry, Shadow. We heard about the emerald and Hornback. We should get going if we're going to make it there by nighttime," Amy said with a smile as she helped Shadow up and to dust himoff, earning a small blush from the black hedgehog. He stood there awkwardly as he watched her walk ahead to talk to Gadget.

Exe wiggled his eyes at Shadow, causing another blush to appear on Shadow's cheeks.

"I have to admit, it's quite pathetic how you don't try. Yet, I do and she seems to enjoy my company," Exe said with a small smirk.

"Oh, shut the hell up, demon. Let's just hurry to that town already," Shadow said as he kept silently cursing under his breath while walking ahead, with a demon on his heals.

Damn Demon...


"Welcome to Town of Sunset, home to many criminals and anything described as bad and or dangerous," Gadget said with a shy smile and a worried chuckle.

"Ironic," Exe said with a chuckle.

The group wandered through the town, avoiding any conflict happening during their walk. Eventually, they stop at a tavern with a sign above it that read, "Sun Hallow Bar".

"This is the place," Gadget said as he pushed his glasses back a little to get a better look on the sign. "Yeah, this is it."

"Alright, listen. Here's the plan. I will-" Shadow started.

"Ha ha, hedgie. Great plan. Listen though, I can handle all this on my own. Watch and learn," Exe interrupted as he fixed his fedora hat and coat while floating inside, with a pissed off black hedgehog wanting to strangle him.

"I hate that damn demon. Why did I let him come along?" Shadow groaned. Amy patted his back and then gently hugged his arm.

"Don't worry, Shadow. I know he can get the emerald for us." Amy said with a smile. Shadow paused for a moment before turning his head slightly towards her and giving her a soft smile.

For you, I will trust him...

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