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Audio Log, Voice Recording, Shadow the Hedgehog, Resistance Forces Leader:

It's been about a month now. It's all quiet, and well...I don't know. To me, something seems off. Well, for starters, Gadget is still on the look out for Zero, AKA Infinite.

Sonic, on the other hand, has appeared to have run off somewhere, something about finding the Phantom Ruby.

Damnit...I told him to stay away from that thing. I thought it was lost to the explosion from Null Space, but he says that he could feel its presence somehow. That's what I found odd.

I'm just hoping it's just me being overprotective, especially after this whole disaster. Speaking of which, our mastermind, Eggman still appears to be in a coma like state. It seems that the energy that the Phantom Ruby and the Chaos Emeralds emitted in the blast, has knocked him into this state.

His robots, Orbot and Cubot were found in nearby rubble, containing some damage and being shut off, possibly for the same reason. Expert scientists and Tails are still working on uncovering the mystery. I know we just won the war, but my instinct is telling me that something is just...Off.

*Sounds of radio chatter are heard in the background*

S...Shadow! Come in! Commander!...Do you...Read me?

I read you, yes! Who is this? Respond with your intentions of this broadcast.

This is Agent Kathy...I'm a new recruit from a few weeks back...S....Something is not right...W...With Sonic. He's attacking civilians here in...Sunset Hollow!

What? Sonic? Agent, are you sure that this is Sonic, our hero, attacking the city?

Yes! Please send...Back up immediately! Our forces are....Going down out here! Please send hel-............

Hello? Hello?! Damnit!

*Sounds of a microphone and speaker turning on can be heard in the background*

Attention all available, fighters! We have a target down in Sunset Hollow that is demolishing our forces! I need everyone down there now!

*Sounds of shuffling are heard as it appears that Shadow has rushed out of the room. A loud, disrupting sound is heard throughout the area*

So...They thought they could finish the fight so easily?...Fools. They've only just begun. They may have won the fight with Eggman...But the fight is beginning with me.


*Sound of someone teleporting away is heard. Moments later, footsteps approach the recorder*

This is Commander Shadow, and I'm signing off...For now.


A/N: Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Wow, it's been such a great journey with this one. I can't wait to start the sequel. Thanks so much for the support, you're all amazing. See you all in the sequel. Stay Tuned!

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