Chapter 17: The End (Part 2)

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The Phantom Death Egg roared in anger as Super Sonic opened his eyes. He charged at Eggman, avoiding the laser beams that were being fired at him.

Super Sonic turned into a spike ball and knocked himself into one of the tentacles, knocking the machine off balance. It knocked Super Sonic back with one of its other tentacles, forcing him to back himself up to avoid damage.

Super Sonic gritted his teeth as he charged another tackle attack once more. The Phantom Death Egg quickly used all of its tentacles as a shield against his attack, knocking him back a few feet.

"Give it up, Sonic! You can't win this fight and you know that!"

"You don't know what's possible, Egghead!" Super Sonic yelled out as he shot himself again at the robot, knocking it off balance again.

"I do know that with the minimal energy you have of the Phantom Ruby, it will be no match for the strength my Death Egg robot has with the combined power of both the Chaos Emeralds and the Phantom Ruby!"

The robot shot lasers from all of its tentacles straight at Super Sonic as he tried his best to maneuver through the beams. He made a quick u-turn, using his homing attack to aim straight at one of the heads of the robot. Blasting right through it, the robot cried out in dismay as it began to wildly shoot all over the place.

"Huh?" Super Sonic looked towards the robot, trying to cover its already destroyed small head as it growled at him.

'So, that's it's weak spots...' Super Sonic thought as he continued to again avoid the blasts being fired again.

"Erg...Blasted hedgehog," Eggman said angrily as the robot began to shoot drills from its tentacles.

"Woah!" Super Sonic barely managed to dodge the drills as Eggman laughed at his actions.


"Now I'm serious!" Super Sonic again went in for the attack, blasting through the robot's second mini head. It cried out a screech as Super Sonic managed to cut right through. Backing up a few feet, the Phantom Death Egg robot roared, louder than before, as it fired a large beam once more at Super Sonic. Before he could react, he was hit full force and was knocked onto the ground.

"Even with one head left, I'm not going down so easily!" Eggman hollered out.

Super Sonic carefully got onto his knees, badly injured from the blast. He almost fell again as the energy of the ruby was disappearing quickly, until his fur color had changed back to blue and his quills had settled. If it weren't for the energy, Sonic surely would have been eliminated at that point.

"I...I can't lose again...Not when everything is at stake this time..."

A red glowing orb appeared in front of Sonic, taking the form of Tikal, the girl echidna Gadget has encountered.

"T..Tikal?" Sonic asked as he sat up, winching slightly.

"Yes, Sonic. I've come to warn you of a terrible danger."

"Well I uh...I'm kind of in the middle of something..."

"Oh!" Tikal laughed a little. "Of course. Sonic, I will lend you a hand, if you of course repay me back."

"What would you need, Tikal?"

"Sonic...In the near future, the world will once again be in terrible danger. If you were to find the Phantom Ruby after all this, please. I'm begging you. You must destroy the Phantom Ruby."

"What?" Sonic's ears perked up. "Destroy it? Why?"

"Something is coming, Sonic, and you will influence it."

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