Chapter 16: The End (Part 1)

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Infinite's eyes flew open as his growl seemed to had disappeared from his face. His mini army seemed to had paused as they looked at their leader in question.

"Zero...I know you're in there. The Phantom Ruby has you in some sort of trance. You need to break free," Gadget tried to plead.

"I....No. I won't let you make me weak again!" Infinite yelled as he shot laser blasts at Gadget. Gadget used his wispon, and with the power of the blue wisp, he bounced off from each of the laser blast radius. "Damn it! Why won't you stay still?!" Infinite snarled as he took off his mask and slammed it onto the ground, narrowing his eyes at Gadget. Gadget looked at his comrade, noticing how his eyes were a slight magenta color, almost like the ruby. The power was getting into his mind.

"Zero, please! The power is getting into your mind! Listen to me!" Gadget yelled as he pointed the wispon towards Infinite.

Infinite smirked, almost looking insanely, as he pointed at Gadget. "Don't you dare fire that thing. I know you wouldn't dare. Besides...I want you to have fun with the Egg Dragoon," Infinite said as the robot that was holding Shadow places him into an opening in his chest, before aiming the drill at Gadget. Before it could fire, a large white tentacle blasted through its weak spot, twitching uncontrollably before slamming down onto the ground.

"Huh?" Infinite quickly said as he turned around, putting his mask back on again.

From the smoke and the wounded black hedgehog who was emerging from the robot in a slow crawl, came out a large, white floating robot that looked like a spider. Eggman with a sneer was chuckling to himself as he piloted the robot towards the center.

"Hello, rebels. Oh, Infinite. It appears your services of both you and your jackal squad are no longer needed. I would need for you to give me all of the Chaos Emeralds, including the Phantom Ruby!" Eggman said with a smile.

"What? Eggman! You said we had a deal, a deal to conquer the world together!" Infinite yelled in anger. Eggman let out a hollow laugh, Orbot and Cubot joining in.

"Did you really think I would let you have the Phantom Ruby's power all to yourself? I plan to conquer this world, to make way for a wide scale Eggman empire!" Eggman said with a evil chuckle. Infinite growled and howled in rage.

"Zavok, Android, Metal, Chaos! Jackal squad! Attack along side me!" Infinite snarled as he took out his trusty blade and rushed toward Eggman's new intimidating robot. His almost real life illusions and squad joined along side him, surprising even the rebels.

"Going to stop me now, Infinite? I don't think so! The ruby belongs to me!" Eggman said as he forced his robot to move one of its tentacles towards Infinite. Infinite dodged it easily and so did his comrades. Eggman did it again and again, until it seemed that his once powerful creation was close at hand. Infinite stood his ground once he jumped onto the mech, holding his sword inches from Eggman's throat.

"Any last words?" Infinite growled under his mask.

"Why yes....You're right where I want you."

"Infinite, look out!" Gadget cried out, barely audible from his distance. Suddenly, the mecha claws grabbed each of the illusions and the robotized squad, including Infinite. Infinite struggled in its binds, and so did the others.

"I'll take that!" Eggman said with a victory smile as another claw in almost an instant, grabbed at Infinite's chest, ripping out the ruby with Infinite's cry of pain along side it.

"AUGH!" Infinite's eyes went wide opened as the ruby was ripped from his body, the jewel tainted in his blood. The jackals stared wide eyed as their leader was being ripped apart, literally.

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