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"My great prince, your father will see you now." 

A young, beautiful woman stood at Matthias Køhler's door. Her hands were folded formally, and her face was slightly pink. 

"Okay, please tell him that I'm coming." Matthias said, visibly flinching at the mention of his father. The woman nodded and turned around to leave, and the blonde sighed.  

I knew this was coming. It's about time. The dreaded talk about taking over the throne. I don't think I can do it though!

Matthias started overthinking as he pulled on a robe. He knew that he would have to take over the throne someday, but with his mother, the queen, dead and his father, the king, retired, there was going to be no assistance. He did have his 2 brothers, but they were only half-blooded brothers. Anyways, Lukas and Emil had their own kingdom in the Empire of Norway to take care of. 

Matthias had no choice, for the Danish kingdom of Hildebrand needed a new ruler. Matthias's father was old, and he would be sick. The stress of carrying the kingdom on his shoulders without his queen was getting to him, and his immune system would soon plummet. 

It was Matthias's job. 

As he walked through his large castle, Matthias suddenly felt small. He didn't see the need for such a large house, he would have been perfectly content with an average-sized one such as the ones the citizens of Hildebrand owned. Of course, not as small as the ones the peasants had. 

He passed rooms, rooms, and more rooms. Guest rooms, large kitchens, storage rooms, weapon storage rooms, dining halls, ballrooms, and saunas till he got to the large garden. It was very large and had a couple of koi ponds and fountains. The koi fish were shipped exclusively from Japan as a gift from a friend named Kiku. 

Beautifully colored artificial and natural rocks were placed to make the scenery more beautiful. Birds flew by, chirping to each other happily in a language no human would understand. A bench was placed in the corner for when anyone in the royal family or anyone visiting needed to think. There was even a hot tub! That wasn't the best part, though. 

The most breathtaking sight were the miles of plants and flowers blooming everywhere. 

The young prince had taken a liking to the flower called "lady orchid." Since he was fond of them, there was a special garden just for the vibrant purple flowers. 

A couple of royal assistants briskly walked around watering flowers and filling bird feeders.

Matthias smiled at a couple, and of course, the female ones blushed and gushed. After all, the prince himself was quite handsome and young. 

Matthias stood for a minute in the enormous garden, listening to the songs the birds sang. He took a deep breath of fresh air and exited then, going straight for the throne room, his heart thudding heavily in his chest. 

"Son. Sit down, we need to have a talk."


"But father, I don't think I'm fit for a queen!" Matthias groaned, looking at the king of Hildebrand with his signature big, blue puppy dog eyes. 

"Matthias. You can't run this kingdom on your own. Having a queen will help you."

"I guess you're right." Matthias sighed, but his heart wasn't really in his agreement. 

The king smiled at his son and nodded. 

"I've arranged for girls from all over different kingdoms to come and meet with you." He thumped Matthias on the shoulder. "What's not to like about you? You've got money, the body, looks, and you can hunt. They'll love you, son."

But I'm not sure if I'll love them... Or if they'll even bother to see past the outer layer of me. 

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