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Matthias grunted softly and squinted through the pouring rain. Because of a storm, all his soldiers were delayed. 

But Matthias had to get through it. For [Name]. 

He urged his horse to persist through the storm. Luckily, the horse he was using was Macadamia since she was the most loyal horse he had ever seen. 


All [Name] could do was lay in the bed and scream in pain. Berwald had ordered lots of medics to come in the room and perform examinations to see if they could cure her, but only [Name] knew how. 

The medics tried to get the girl to tell them what was wrong with her. 

"It's... A blood disease!" [Name] breathed heavily, and groaned in pain again. It was stabbing pain, like someone was wrenching a sharp knife in her body, wiggling it around, and taking it around with the intention of doing it again and again. 

"What are we supposed to do?!" The medics were clueless. 

 The disease was rare, so of course, they didn't know what to do. Only magical healers could deal with serious diseases like this. Plus, wolves weren't in the kingdom area, only in the forest. 

"Marigold... Lavender..." [Name] choked out, but then stopped because she knew it was no point. When she made the cure for the blood disease for Matthias, she already had some ingredients at home that she had been saving for years. They came from places far away such as the Continental area of Asia. 

[Name] knew that you were laying on your deathbed, and it was no point to try to save herself. 

"Just give me some painkillers!" She screamed, a fire in your eyes. 

The medics jumped in fear and scrambled around. Finally, when the pain died down a little, the pained girl was able to sleep. The medics however, couldn't. 

Her tortured screams kept coming back to haunt their minds. 


Finally, Matthias and his soldiers had reached the courtyard of the castle. Matthias jumped down from his horse, and so did Gilbert. Everything was ready. 

Gilbert was to rush into the throne room and fight Berwald himself. The other soldiers were supposed to fight against anyone else who got in the way, like the knights and guards in the Swedish man's castle. 

Matthias was going to go in and rescue his queen. Matthias ordered the command, and everyone stormed in. The rain was a little lighter now. 

The pain was so bad at this point, [Name] couldn't even scream. She lay there with her eyes closed, barely breathing. Time was running out. Berwald walked into your room briskly and closed the door. He then smirked down at [Name]. 

"Poor thing. I thought you would be well enough so we could wed, but apparently not. But not to worry my dear, there are many other girls out there that would be willing to die for me." He purred, lifting her chin up with his gloved hand. 

Unable to say anything, the girl did not respond. She was barely breathing, anyway. Just waiting. Waiting for death. 

"[Name]!" A familiar voice yelled. The girl's eyes shot open suddenly, and behind Berwald, she saw...

"Matthias," [Name] choked out softly. Was it a hallucination? 

Berwald turned around and glared, and Matthias nervously unsheathed his axe. It was a better weapon than a sword in his opinion, and it made him stronger and faster. 

"Don't you dare touch her." Matthias seethed, glaring down Berwald like a hawk. 

"Why do you even care? She's going to die anyway. She got that horrible sickness again." 

Matthias's heart sank. [Name] had gotten the disease once already. Hopefully, that wouldn't make the second time worse, although it appeared as it did. Berwald pulled out his own weapon-a spear.

Soon, they started clashing against each other. Matthias's arm muscles were strong, and he was able to swing his heavy axe with much skill and speed-but Berwald's footwork was speedy and he found ways to cut around Matthias's axe. 

"Agh!" Berwald glared at Matthias. There was a small bit of blood dripping from his cheek, where the blade hit him. 

"You're just glad I didn't decapitate you," Matthias grinned, and he swung the axe again, this time aiming for the neck. 

Berwald quickly blocked it and stabbed Matthias in the thigh. Not enough to kill him, but enough to puncture through at least 3 layers of skin tissue. Matthias yelped as blood began to flow. 

[Name] heard him and her heart started pounding heavily. She hated that sound. The sound of Matthias in pain, and she had heard enough of it. Somehow, by thinking of him, the pain that overtook the girl's body dimmed a little. She held out your hand, and although from being in pain and being sick she didn't have a lot of magic power, she concentrated what was left into her hand. 

Greenish-blue mist swirled around Matthias's leg and enclosed around it. After 2 seconds, all the mist faded, and Matthias's leg was completely repaired. It wasn't a deep wound, so it healed rather perfectly. 

But the man felt something else on his leg, too. He felt warm and comforted. He felt like [Name] was hugging him, and kissing him. And he used it as motivation. 

Matthias stabbed Berwald with the butt of his axe's pole. As Berwald fell, clutching his stomach in pain, Matthias rushed over to [Name]. She lifted your arms. Heavy chains bound them, and seeing that sent Matthias into blind fury. He used his axe to cut the chains. 

"Put them.. On.." [Name] whispered, wincing in pain. 

Matthias nodded in understanding and grabbed the chains, but Berwald was already starting to get up. 

"[Name]! I just need a little help! Please, come on! You can do this!" Matthias yelled, swinging his axe at Berwald. Said girl nodded and sat up on the blood-stained bed. She then got up, and almost fell over on her weak legs. 

Concentrating whatever she had left into her hands again, [Name] pointed them at a plant sitting in the corner of the room and immediately made it sprout. Massive vines headed in all directions before aggressively tying themselves around Berwald's ankles and wrists. 

"Let go of me!" Berwald yelled in fury as Matthias closed the chains around him. 

"We won't kill you. Only on one deal." Matthias said, and Berwald fell silent, his blue eyes glinting with malice. 

"What is it?" He spat, even though he didn't look very agreeing to the terms. 

"You have to let [Name] go. And you have to disband your army. You are not allowed to attack another nation ever again unless it is for defense." Matthias said. 

"I'm not going to do that!" Berwald glared. 

Gilbert then walked in, holding up a sword. 

"Then I'll behead you." He said.

Berwald's cheeks became a flushed red color. He glared at Gilbert and Matthias angrily. 



Matthias turned to see [Name] had fallen on the ground, looking sickly. 

"Get a carriage!" He yelled at Gilbert, and rushed to her side. He picked the pale girl up bridal style and gently planted a kiss on her neck. 

"Hang in there, [Name]. You're safe now. I won't let you die." 

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