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Gently running her hand through her horse's mane, [Name] smiled as Macadamia nuzzled against her.  

Living a more natural life, [Name] preferred to ride your horse bareback. She really only needed one horse, and only rode her when she had to go long distances to gather herbs. 

"Come on, girl. I need to gather some Cyclamen flowers, and it's quite a long way." 

The Cyclamen was still located in the forest, but the forest was quite dense and it was massive. Plus, with the war going on, it was a good idea to have a faster pair of legs ready to help out. Macadamia would never abandon [Name], the two had a special bond. 

The [h/c] haired girl swung herself onto the elegant white creature and gently patted her side. 

"Let's go!"  [Name] murmured, and the sound of clopping horse hooves was the only sound [Name] heard as she descended deeper into the forest, making sure she was still on the Swedish side. The first half of the ride went peacefully. However, it did not last.


 [Name] mentally cursed as she felt small, cold drops of water on her skin, but the healer was closer to the Cyclamen patches than she was to home. 

Might as well keep going. Plus, a little rain never hurts. 


Matthias could barely keep his eyes open-the rain droplets that were falling fast clouded his vision. His horse was starting to slow down. Leading the stallion under a dense tree,  the two stood there until Matthias wiped the water off his face. Once he could see clearly, he glanced around. 

The forest was very dark. Matthias left when the sun had set, and the sun set about an hour ago, so he guessed it was about 10 at night. As the rain lessened a little, Matthias trotted out with his horse. The both of them looked cautiously, left and right for any signs of Swedish soldiers. 

A soft snarl alerted the blonde that he was not alone. 

It started with one, but more and more soft snaps and growls sounded throughout the thick trees. Matthias widened his eyes and looked behind him- furry creatures with blood red eyes, mouths foaming, hungry. Wolves. 

He froze, and so did his horse-his nose twitching, obviously able to smell the mangy creatures. 

"Easy.." Matthias whispered, but his horse reared, kicking him off and making a run for it. 

The wolves took a step back and growled threateningly, startled by the sudden toss of their snack. The pack then broke up- 5 or so wolves ran after the horse, but still about 7 remained, closing in on Matthias. 

Matthias drew his sword and slashed at a wolf but missed. The wolf whined a little in hostility and pounced on him, claws unsheathed. 

Matthias yelped as blood splattered onto the already wet ground. He could tell that his leg had a large tissue wound in it. 


Matthias froze, and so did his opponents, paw and sword in air, about to collide. 

A girl shorter than him with [h/l], [h/c] hair and alluring [e/c] eyes walked into the scene from behind a tree. She held the reigns to an elegant white horse, which trotted alongside her, looking anxious and staying away from the wolves. The girl wore a dark cloak, and under it, it seemed she carried a basket of brightly colored flowers.

The wolves started growling again, red eyes glinting in the moonlight. 

"Oh shut up!" The mysterious girl said, grabbing the wolf's snout and clamping it shut. She looked him in the eye. 

"Now you are going to leave here. I don't want you preying on any humans. You understand me?" [Name] scolded.

Matthias just stood there, eyes wide, skin pale, and mouth open in shock. 

The wolf whimpered and barked when his snout was released, but [Name] turned and glared at him and he silenced. 

"Now you!" The [e/c] eyed girl turned to Matthias, causing the boy to pale and back up. 

"I'm not going to have you kill this pack. The answer to everything is NOT fighting! You men are so barbaric!" The girl scolded, rolling her eyes. 

"If you hurt them, I'm going to have to heal the entire wolf pack again. And I don't have enough medicine for rusty old sword wounds." She furiously poked Matthias's chest, pouting sourly. 

"But they were going to-" 

"It's your fault for wandering into the forest, you shouldn't even be here!" The girl cut him off, and suddenly widened her eyes and stepped back. 

"Wait. You're the prince of..." 

Matthias smirked, finally being able to show authority to some peasant like the girl standing in front of him. 

"In fact, I am." He said. 

[Name] huffed and crossed her arms, smirking back. 

"Well, you're on Swedish territory! So be happy that I'm not calling soldiers on you. Who's better now?!" The childish healer retorted, as if it was some game. 

Matthias was speechless. 

Then, he suddenly groaned and fell to the floor, his sword clattering with him. Seeing spots in his eyes, the wounded man clutched his leg with pain. 

[Name] widened her eyes, forgetting all her argumental points, and rushing by the man's side. 

"Mac," she called out, and her horse tore off a large tree leaf from the tree above. [Name] worked quickly, using pressure and water to stop the bleeding and clean out his wound and some oils to prevent infection. Then, mixing a couple herbs from her basket together, she crushed them into a paste and fed them to Matthias as a painkiller. 

As soon as [Name] got the Prince's wound bandaged with a healing leaf, the rain stopped and the sun came out, its soft rays covering the forest with a soft, warm glow. 

Matthias opened his eyes, his pain slightly alleviated, and stared at the girl with wonder. 

Meanwhile, [Name] wondered how this boy's eyes could be so blue. 

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