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[Name] opened her eyes and immediately blushed. Matthias's face was in her chest, and although it kind of felt nice because he was warm, it was awkward so the female tried to wriggle her way out of his arms. 

"Ah, my princess has awoken!" Matthias grinned as he opened his blue eyes. 

"I was awake before you." She deadpanned. "And I'm not a princess," The girl said, trying to get out of his arms.

Matthias pouted. 

"You could be a princess! You're nice... And pretty... And... Nice?" He said, and finally let go.  [Name] snorted with amusement, slipping out of the bed and pulling on her beloved cloak. 


Finally, the ingredients were frozen and ready to go. The healer got straight to work. After a couple minutes-or an hour (she usually lost time while she was brewing medicine) Matthias came and sat on the couch, quietly watching intently. 

"I was wondering.. Can you tell me about yourself?" Matthias blushed. "Only if you're okay with it, obviously..." He murmured. 

"What do you want to hear?" 

"Anything!" He replied, eyes wide and eager since she decided to accept. 

"Hmm... Let's start with past. Okay. I was born to a family of 4. It was only me, my brother, and our parents. We had descended from magical elemental beings-people who weren't as strong as witches or fairies, but still had properties. Properties such as a little bit of magic but mostly the knowledge of brewing medicine."

"Is there any other kind of magic?"Matthias asked cocking his head. 

"Not anymore. The witch trials burned everyone with magic. Except me and my brother."

Matthias sat in thought for a second. 

"What about your parents? Where's your brother now?" 

The [h/c] haired sighed and let the marigold burn to ashes in the pot before stirring it, his question bringing up some unwanted memories. 

"My mother and father were burned along with everyone else. Once I turned 15, my older brother left me to fend for myself." She said, [e/c] eyes sadly looking into the pot. 

"Why would he do that?!" Matthias asked, shocked. [Name] laughed bitterly. 

"He always wanted to deny that he was a magical being. He never practiced pharmacy again and concealed his magic powers. Then, he went off to work by the king's side, just so he could prove his royalty-and have an alibi so he wasn't burned." 

"I'm sorry.." Matthias said. 

"It's okay. I've gotten used to being alone."

Matthias's heart sank. He didn't know why he felt so bad. [Name] was, after all, a stranger from an enemy kingdom. But for some reason, all he wanted to do was hug her and stroke her hair to let her know that she wasn't alone. 

As the girl kept brewing, the effects of the painkiller were wearing off again. Matthias groaned softly, trying not to let [Name] hear, but because of her development magic and time in the forest, she had heightened senses. 

"[N-Name]..." Matthias panicked.

Said girl decided to leave the medicine for a moment and rush by his side to make sure no more veins were turning black. With a sick feeling, she observed his chest. The veins that were blue had become darker. Not black yet, but it was a sign that the disease was spreading. [Name] frowned and rushed back to the medicine. 

"I'm almost done Matthias." She looked into his eyes and grabbed his hand, squeezing it but letting go too soon for Matthias's liking. 

"Just hang on." 


"It's done!" [Name] exclaimed proudly, her [e/c] eyes filled with joy. She quickly poured the medicine into a tube. It was a pitch black color, an eerie comparison to the blood that ran through a victim's veins. 

Matthias, still groaning, reached out for the medicine. He drank it happily, making sure he didn't waste one single drop. 

"It will take atleast half an hour for the disease to cure." [Name] explained, sitting by him. He suddenly hugged you tightly, causing the girl to squeak with surprise. 

"Thank you! Thank you so much! You saved my life!" Matthias said, tearing up a little. He kissed the girl on the cheek, and she blushed furiously. 

"I just have one question..." Matthias said. 


"How do you know so much about the blood-"

He was interrupted when she sighed and lifted her shirt halfway. There it was. 

A single, black vein running down her navel. 

"Because I had it too."

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