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Matthias groaned softly as he woke up, but for some reason, his bed felt warmer than usual. Matthias turned around, widening his eyes. Surely he would've remembered if he had drunk too much last night and hooked up with a girl, right?

A blanket was over the figure, and it definitely did look like a girl. Matthias panicked and tore the blanket off the body. 

She had [s/c] skin. Her beautiful eyes were closed, and she looked at peace, dreaming. She opened her eyes and yawned, an action which brought tears to Matthias's eyes. Then, she grinned and sat up. 


"[Name].." Matthias clamped a hand over his mouth to keep from sobbing, and tears fell from his eyes. 

[Name] leaped into his arms and hugged him tightly, nuzzling his neck. 

"It's okay.. I'm here now." 

~2 hours earlier~

[Name] gasped and widened her [e/c] eyes, sitting up in the cot, breathing heavily. The girl battled with the struggle of drawing in breaths until they became steady. She looked at her shaking hand. There was no knife.

Her navel hurt horribly though, along the scar, as though she had really traced it with a knife. 

[Name] felt something-or someone near your leg. She looked over to see a man with blonde hair sleeping, but your previous commotion had woken him up. He started to stir, and his emerald green eyes lit up when he saw that she was alive and breathing. 

"Arthur!" [Name] gasped, eyes sparkling with happiness. 

"[Name]! You're alive!" He said, opening his arms for a hug. 


Arthur's eyes widened as he lifted his hand to his red cheek. 

"What was that for?!" He complained. "I just saved your life!" 

"That," [Naem] huffed. "Was for leaving me to fend for myself!" 

She glared daggers at the man. "Do you know how lonely I was, living by myself? It would have been nice to have someone! And I especially can't believe that you went to work besides the king just so you wouldn't get burned!" [Name] spat, [e/c] eyes filled with fury.

"[Name]..." Arthur started, eyes sad. "Do you really think I would leave you for that reason? There was a different reason..." He whispered. 

"I'd very well like to hear that," The girl said haughtily, determined to make her brother feel guilt for all those years. 

"Remember that night? The moon was unusually large and full. After putting you to bed, I had to rush into the city to meet my friend, Vladimir. He used magic too, but not healing magic-and he was terribly sick. Fire magic cannot heal wounds. When I got into town, I found Vladimir in near-death condition. He had gotten a lung illness. At that time, horses weren't allowed in the city, so I had to put my horse away. Walking on foot took a long time, and Vlad's condition just got worse. I had to send a message to him by bird and tell him it was going to take time. He said that he would come look for me and we could meet halfway since he couldn't wait. When we finally met at an abandoned liquor bar, he was a mess-could barely breathe. I preformed magic on him, but we didn't know someone was watching us." 

[Name] drew in a breath, eyes wide, fists clutching the cot's sheets. 

"The royal soldiers burst in, and while I was able to conceal Vladimir by making plants around him grow faster, I was out in the open. They arrested me and I would soon be hung for using demonic magic." He sighed. "I managed to convince them to let me go with just one condition-I had to work for the royal army. Ever since that day I left you, I had to lose contact with no. If I didn't there would be no hesitation for them to kill you." 

"I.. I had no idea..." [Name] murmured. "But I'm still kind of mad."

"I know. You have every right to be. I'm sorry, [Name]. When I heard from the other soldiers that you were dying, I rushed over here to help you." 

"Well... Thank you. But... Arthur?" 

"Yes love?" 

"Can we start over?" 

"Of course. I belong to no army now."  

That was in the past. Right now, Matthias covered [Name] in kisses, holding her close to his warm body. 

"I love you. I love you so much. Promise me you'll never leave me again, [Name]." Matthias murmured over and over. [Name] laughed and wiped away some tears. 

"I'm not going to leave. And..." She blushed, pecking him on the nose and stroking his hair. 

"I love you too." 

A soft knock came on the door.

"My lord?" A voice said.

"Come in," Matthias said. A worker came in and immediately flushed at the sight of a woman in the prince's bed. 

"T-the festival preparations have b-begun. Sorry to disturb you!" She ran out of there as fast as she could, and Matthias chuckled while [Name] blushed darkly. 

"The festival?" [Name]asked after the heat in her cheeks died down a bit. 

"Yes. It comes every year. Will you go with me?" Matthias asked, giving her his puppy dog eyes.[Name] laughed and pet his floppy blonde hair, which had messed up in his sleep. 

"Of course." 

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