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"Ugh..." Matthias let out a soft groan as [Name] tried her best to put him in her bed. When she  finally managed to get him tucked in, the girl cracked her back and groaned herself.

"So soft... And warm... Smells good..." Matthias said, clinging onto your blanket. 

[Name] rolled her eyes a little and stared at him, especially his hair. She had never realized how adorably childish the prince was. 

[Name] stayed up late that night, simply tending to the fire, cooking food, and sitting in front of the flames and stroking the stray cat that wandered to the girl's house occasionally. Animals loved her. [Name] wasn't only a healer, but could also somehow communicate to them at a decent level. 

When [Name] first discovered your gift, she vowed to help any animal, no matter how big and dangerous it was. Animals including humans, too, who were in fact the most dangerous of all. 

The girl glanced over at the blonde, who was in deep sleep in her bed. He gave off the impression of a lion: strong, royal, and majestic looking-but also of a puppy dog: cute, childish, and desiring protection and comfort. 

Matthias's eyes suddenly opened without warning,  and he awkwardly stared right back into [e/c] ones. [Name] jumped a little and looked away as he smirked.  

"You were totally checking me out!" He said, sitting up and wincing a little in pain.  

[Name] scoffed and rolled her eyes, a very faint blush forming on her face. Quickly getting up, the girl walked to his bedside and started changing his bandages. 

"Was not." 

"Are too." 

"It's 'was too,' you idiot."

"Same thing!" 

"Besides, what makes you think I'm not already married?" The fiesty girl asked, glaring at him with her hands on her hips. 

"You probably scare all the men you meet away," He responded, looking up at her with amusement. 

[Name] widened your eyes in offense and gently smacked him on the head. 

"Well then, am I scaring you?

"Nah, scary chicks are actually kinda hot." 

"Does it hurt anywhere else, Køhler?" [Name] sighed, looking at the wound one last time. 

"My chest." 

[Name] widened your eyes a little, praying that the wolf's claws hadn't given him an infection. Carefully slipping his shirt off over his head, cheeks ablaze, [Name] looked at his chest... Only to discover veins very visible through his pale skin. 

The [h/c] haired girl gently ran her hand over, checking the pulsing of the veins as Matthias blushed, greatly liking the feeling of the girl's small, cold hands on his aching chest. 

"It's infected." [Name] concluded, voice a little shaky. 

"What?" Matthias asked. 

"I'm going to help you. Don't worry." She said, rummaging through a trunk quickly. 

Matthias looked a little confused. He was cocky, arrogant, and royal. He was from an enemy kingdom! Why would this girl help him? 

"Why are you.." 

"Helping you?" She cut him off, and looked straight into his eyes. "Because I would never forgive myself if I let another living being die when I could have saved them." 

"A-Am I gonna die? My mom.." Matthias said a little quietly.

[Name] turned around, eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

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