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Matthias stared emotionlessly at the line of girls in front of him. Most of them wore heavy makeup, expensive dresses, and gave off the impression that their personalities were extremely fake. 

"Next!" Matthias's father shouted. 

Matthias sat on his throne with his head resting in his hand, trying not to fall asleep. All these girls were boring with their fancy clothing and jewels. If he had to marry, he wanted it to be someone he loved. Matthias didn't care how rich she was or even if she belonged to a royal family, but he knew his father would never allow him to marry someone non-royal. 

"Hey there..." A lady said as she leaned against Matthias. The blonde man raised an eyebrow at her and stood up, taking her hand and kissing it-even though he didn't want to. 

His father nodded in approval and winked. 

"Now, why don't you two go to Matthias's room and get to know each other?" 

Matthias huffed and took the lady to his room, which was another thing he did not want to do, passing all the other ladies who were shooting icy glares at the one currently being pampered. 

The lady had pale skin and she wore an elegant, pink dress. Her eyes were a bright blue and her skin glowed... But it still looked artificial. She had a bit of a French accent to her words. 

"So what is your name, M'lady?" Matthias said, but deep down, he didn't really care. He was just following his father's orders. 

She smirked, extremely flirty and scooted a little cloesr to Matthias. 

"Juliette Bonnefoy." She said, her voice smooth. 

Matthias cocked his head. 

Hmm. So this girl is actually the princess of a French kingdom. She's probably Francis Bonnefoy's sister. 

"Well that's a beautiful-"


Matthias grinned secretly, happy that he didn't have to entertain or fake praise this prissy girl any longer. He opened the door to see his father standing there next to the next girl, who seemed a little scared of how tall and viking-looking Matthias's father looked. 

Matthias groaned inwardly, realizing that there was no escape for the time-being. 


Squinting a little to see better, [Name] leaned her head towards the feathery creature that was squeaking and squirming around. 

"Come on, you have to be patient! It won't hurt, I promise!" The girl whispered to the bird, and surprisingly, it settled. 

When [Name] finally finished taking off the bandage around the grateful bird, she smiled and cupped it gently in her hand. 

"There you go! See, I told you you'd be fine! Be careful flying next time," the kindhearted girl giggled as the bird nuzzled her face. 

[Name]opened the door, stepped outside, and let the bird fly free. Watching it reunite with its family warmed her heart. She had a gift and was proud that she was using it for good. 

[Name] [L. Name] lived in the Swedish Kingdom of Scarnia. Well, right next to the border of Hildebrand and Scarnia, but she technically lived in Scarnia. 

She was a master at fixing most medical problems like broken bones and many other things naturally, and had a special talent for mixing herbs to make medicine.

The girl lived in a dense forest right near the border, in an area where many people didn't pass by. Even if they did, most people preferred not to bother her, much to her content. 

'The townspeople probably think I'm some ugly old witch or something.' She thought, laughing lightly to herself. 

However, [Name] was the exact opposite, a young beautiful maiden who lived alone. Many travelers who ended up getting injured while going through the forest had ended up at [Name]'s quaint cottage. Every one of them had fallen madly in love with her, but she never encouraged it, not interested in those types of feelings. 

Out of nowhere, the loud sound of heavyweight boots hitting the ground echoed throughout the forest. Birds scattered from trees while frightened little critters ran away to their burrows. From her hiding spot in a small thicket, [Name] observed Swedish soldiers standing around and talking, examining the exact spot where the border was. [Name]'s gleaming [e/c] narrowed as she listened quietly to what they were saying. 

"Come on, men. Prepare for war. This is an order directly from the His Highness of Scarnia." One of the soldiers said, and he scanned the area until his eyes fell on the [h/c] haired maiden's hiding spot. 

"Wait..." He said, eyes narrowing. The brute soldier stomped towards the thicket, convinced that he had sensed someone there. 

However, as he pushed away the long strings of ivy covering the area, there was nobody to be found, with only the faint breeze of unbalanced wind indicated that someone was once there. 

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