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[Name] woke up early the next morning, while the sky was still dark. 

She had a lot to get done before she left for town. Not only that, but the girl also had to make sure Matthias's vitals were in stable condition so he didn't die while she was gone. 

[Name] rummaged through the old trunk again as she did the night Matthias arrived and found what she were looking for. 

An old scroll of paper. It was an ancient healing medicine. [Name] had tons of these scattered throughout the library, but this scroll was in the trunk because it was one of the important ones. 

She had only ever made this medicine once because the blood disease was pretty rare. It was called Scarlemia for two reasons. 

One, it was spread by the horrific wolf-dog hybrids that were native to the town of Scarnia. It was rare, but if the gash went deep enough, the blood flowing through the veins could get infected. 

Two, even after it was healed, it left a pretty big scar. 

[Name] looked at the scroll and clenched it tightly. 

She were extremely nervous. This was only her second time making it. If she messed up, Matthias could possibly die before she had a chance to make another one, as the ingredients were hard to come by. 

'Careful, [Name]. Don't let personal anxieties distract you. Treat him as you would any patient.'  The girl thought to herself, taking a deep breath. 

"[Name]?"  a weak voice came from the bedroom. It sounded pained and willowy. 

[Name] widened her eyes and dropped the scroll, rushing to Matthias's side. 

He groaned in pain, obviously in pain under the bed's covers. [Name] ripped them off quickly. 

Matthias's back was arched in pain, his skin even paler than before, his veins protruding through his skin, which was an alarming sight.  

[Name]'s head started to spin a little, as she was knowledgeable about how the disease progressed. It spread rather quickly. Soon the veins... 

"One of your veins... It's black... Already..." [Name] murmured, and ran her finger over it gently.  

[Name] dashed into the room and searched her shelves hastily for a specific pale blue bottle. She finally found it, ripped off the cork, and handed it to Matthias. 

"Drink up." The girl ordered. As Matthias hesitantly drank the substance, [Name] kept searching all over his chest for black veins. There were no others. Only one. 

The single black vein ran from his collarbone down to his lower abs. The mere sight of it caused the [h/c] haired girl to shudder. 

"That medicine will provide temporary relief. About 2 or so days. I can't wait any longer. I have to go now." [Name] briskly said, pulling on a black cloak and grabbing a basket. 

"[Name]..." Matthias whispered, but his words were cut short as darkness filled his vision, and unconsciousness took him. 

[Name] gently leaned down, tears welling up in her eyes. He didn't deserve this. Although some may argue-especially those from the Swedish kingdom that [Name] lived within, Matthias did not deserve to die. He was such a kind man, unlike the ruthless and cruel leader of Scarnia.

Hold on, Matthias. I'll be back.

[Name] slipped on her hood and dashed outside, then looked back at her cottage. Raising her hands, she concentrated all her magic energy into healing the leaves around it. 

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