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Matthias stared at [Name]'s navel, gently running his hand down the scar. The veins surrounding her scar were perfectly healthy, but the single vein that had marked the deadly infection was still quite dark, not red at all.

Matthias looked up to you, eyebrows furrowed, eyes shining with sympathy.

He knelt down and held her waist in his hands. She lifted her shirt up, exposing her navel and the scar more. Matthias looked up from where he knelt, blushing furiously. He leaned in a little to her body, and the girl nodded shyly.

Matthias gently kissed the blackish-blue vein. His soft lips touched the scar. [Name] tried to keep it in, but whimpered softly in satisfaction. Matthias's lips ran a little farther down her stomach, but he suddenly stopped and pulled away, surprisingly shy.

"Sleep with me again tonight?" Matthias asked innocently.

[Name] nodded, her cheeks still pink. The two made their way to the room. [Name] crawled in first, getting comfortable. Then, Matthias slipped under the covers and held her close to his body. [Name] leaned her head on his chest, feeling warm and safe. 

His heartbeat was even stronger now, much to the girl's relief. 


[Name] blinked her eyes awake. Beautiful sunlight flooded in through the small windows. The girl immediately smiled. Her body was tucked under Matthias's muscular arm. The girl gently nuzzled her cheek against Matthias's. He groaned, '5 more minutes dad...' [Name] giggled a little before her stomach suddenly sank. 

[Name] had to tell him today.

When Matthias woke up, the day went on normally. Matthias was healing fantastically, but [Name] couldn't get the heavy weight out of her stomach.

Matthias noticed something was wrong throughout the day, but he decided to ask about it later.

'Who knows? If it's important, she'll tell me.'  He trustfully thought. 

"Matthias! Come on! Let's go horse riding!" [Name]'s beautiful smooth-as-honey voice broke him away from his thoughts. He looked into her [e/c] eyes and suddenly, he felt happy.

He had this feeling in his heart that made him want to laugh, to cry all at the same time. His mind went a little overboard and he could picture it- the entire kingdom of Hildebrand eternally in love with the perfect royal family. [Name], him, and the children they would have together.

He didn't know why he was thinking of such things. He had just met the girl, but he wanted to scoop her up in his arms, sing to her, kiss her, show her how much he liked her. 

It was a racing feeling in his heart, adrenaline boosted. He couldn't think of any way to show her how much he really loved her. Nothing seemed enough.

Matthias grinned and nodded, but then suddenly paused on the way out the door.

"My horse ran away... Remember?" He said, laughing sheepishly.

The [h/c] haired girl nodded and stepped outside, closing the door behind herself. Then, she turned around and widened her eyes. 

He stood under a tree, in the sunlight. The morning dew highlighted his features. He wore a muscle tank-living up to its name, it showed off his well-defined muscles. He was very tall, his blonde hair messy and very attractive. 

"[Name]?" He purred, smirking.

"R-right. We can both ride Macadamia. She's strong." [Name] stuttered. She got onto her horse, and after she settled, Matthias did as well. 

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