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Matthias took action immediately. Since the Swedish were holding back on all attacks until they found the young prince, Matthias sped back to his kingdom as fast as he could. 

All the soldiers that were still alive stood command of the to-be-king. 

"All of you! I need you to storm Scarnia's castle!" The soldiers nodded, and they started getting ready as fast as they could. 

Matthias pulled his first commander aside. 

"Gilbert. I need to tell you what's really going on." Matthias said.

 Gilbert's mind could be a little dull at times, but that didn't fool Matthias. Matthias knew Gilbert's potential. Gilbert had been gone for the past year. He was visiting his brother in Germany and training the German troops. Once Gilbert had heard that his Kingdom, Hildebrand had been attacked, he sped back as fast as he could. 

Gilbert was one of the best soldiers in not only Hildebrand, but in the entire Scandinavian territory. In fact, if Gilbert hadn't been away in Germany for the past year, Hildebrand might have had a chance on fending off Scarnia. 

Maybe my dad wouldn't be dead... I can't think about that right now! Focus, Matthias!

"What is it, sir?" Gilbert asked, red eyes shining with worry. 

"This is a search and rescue mission. There's a girl. She was kidnapped by Oxenstierna. I'm going to save her. Please don't tell any of the troops, but make sure the king is distracted as well as his soldiers." 

Gilbert nodded.

"Your wish is my command." 

The sound of horse's feet thundering on the ground filled the air as dirt and sand dislodged from the ground due to the force. 

Gilbert swung himself onto his horse, and so did Matthias. 

"I won't let you down, my king." 


Darkness. Everything hurt. 

[Name] slowly opened her eyes, and the room seemed to be spinning. Everything was so dark. Once the girl's senses started to kick in, she could smell and taste rusty metal. 

Groaning softly, [Name] realized that there was a very strong tape over her mouth. Some unknown fluid ran down her body. 

Then, she remembered. 

[Name] widened your eyes and tried, to scream, but it only came out muffled. The rusty taste was her blood. 

She tried to stand up and tug her arms free, but they were tied up. In chains. 

"Stop struggling. It'll hurt more." A sharp voice came. 

Blinding light filled her field of vision. That's when she realized where she was. A dungeon. 

Tears sprang in the corner of her [e/c] eyes as the tall man standing in front of her unlocked the cell door-yet she couldn't move. He pouted mockingly, teasing her by leaving the door wide open and stepping in. 

"I'm going to get right to the point, dear. You are to marry me." Berwald smirked. "You can't run and hide this time." Berwald suddenly stepped near the girl and ripped the tape off her face. 

[Name] winced in pain, and immediately felt weak. Her chest throbbed...

"I-I'm already... In love with someone else..." She tried to speak, but her mouth felt tired. [Name] knew these symptoms. She were already infected. She had to go through it again, but this time, it was likely that she would die.

 Nobody else knew the cure. 

"Can't do anything but whisper, can you?" Berwald said, and he untied her hands and legs. She hadn't noticed the pain of the chains digging into her [s/c] skin until he let them loose. [Name] looked down at your ankles and wrists to see imprints of the chain. It had cut away at her soft skin to leave it raw and fleshy. 

The Swedish man picked her up bridal style. [Name] was too weak from the illness to do anything else but pass out. 

Matthias... Please be alive...

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