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Matthias closed the door behind the last girl and sighed as he flopped onto his bed, exhausted.

"Finally, I can be alone with my thoughts," he murmured to himself. 

The blonde stood and walked to the window seat he had in his huge room. The rolling waves crashed violently against the rocks and Matthias smiled to himself. If there was one thing that calmed him, it was the sea. 

Matthias had adored the sea from a young age, never fearful of the violent and thundering ocean waves. His ancestry traced back to the vikings, and his father had always told him he had the blood of a viking. Matthias took a deep breath and decided that he would go out to the cove. 


Widening his blue eyes, Matthias furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed onto his bed frame as distant screams fell to his ears. 

"What the hell?!" He yelled as he opened the door, looking for his father. 


Then, it dawned on him. Those were gunshots and gunpowder. 

The kingdom was under attack. 


With [Name]'s dark cloak draped over her shoulder, she clutched a handwoven basket and plucked some Marigold from the bushes. 

A distant 'boom' fell upon her ears, causing the ground to shake slightly and the birds to go silent. 

[Name] paused her actions as her head immediately lifted, and she looked to the Danish side of the border. 

[Name] knew the conflict wouldn't reach here, especially in the dense forest, but she couldn't help but fear a bit for her safety, and the preservation of the natural environment she called her home. 

"I don't think I should get involved." [Name] said quietly to herself and walked back to her small house with the Marigold. The healer poured water in a large pot and heated it so it would boil. Pouring the marigold in, she added a few natural oils and sighed, leaning against the wall. Although it was her passion and her duty, the exhaustion of always brewing medicine was getting to her. 

After the substance was complete, it was poured it into a bottle and put it in a wooden box. On the box, [Name] carved with a sharp dagger, "Poison extraction." 

[Name] put the wooden box on the shelf and examined all the different colored and sized bottles. 

Then, the girl walked outside to feed Macadamia, her horse companion.  


"MATTHIAS!" Came a booming voice. 

Matthias lifted his head as his father came running into his room. 

The King shoved a bag into his son's hands and quickly started handing him things like a bottle of water, clothes, and other necessary items. 

"F-father, what's going on?" Matthias asked, pale and panicked. 

Matthias's father said nothing as he grabbed his son's hand and dragged him outside, running faster than Matthias could keep up. 

A horse stood in the courtyard, reigns and saddle ready. His hooves uncomfortably stomped on the concrete, as loud booms shattered everyone's eardrums. The heavy marching of Danish soldiers mobilizing was deafening. 

"Go, son." 

"But father-" 

"They are attacking the front of the castle right now. They'll come around if you don't leave. Matthias, you have to go. They'll kill you." 

"But father, they'll kill you too!" 

"Son. Look at me." 

Matthias looked at his father with watery, blue eyes. 

The King pressed his forehead gently to Matthias's, and the blonde boy felt a tear that was not his own drip onto his face.

"It was only a matter of time for me to pass." He said, and smacked the horse's side. The horse reared and started to thunder away from the castle. 

"Father!" Matthias called, reaching out for the king, tears threatening to escape his eyes. 

Matthias stay turned around on the saddle so he could see his father's figure disappear until it was completely gone in the sunset. 

He then gripped the reins so tightly that his knuckles turned white and closed his eyes. Matthias grit his teeth and the tears flew behind him, flying behind him like the castle he was raised in. 

"SHIT!" He yelled as he cracked the reins, eyes narrow, unforgiving hatred in them. 

I'm going to murder whoever attacked us with my very hands. 

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