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Lucy's POV

"Listen Gray this is what we are going to do, it may hurt Juvia but I will fix it if we succeed in doing the plan."

This is a beautiful morning to go to a work with Natsu and Happy. This job is perfect for the three of us the reward is 500,000 jewels, and we are just to catch some burglar in the next town.

"Natsu! Happy!" I called.

"What is it Lucy?" Natsu

"What do you think of this job?" I said with a big smile.

"Okay." he reply shortly

Natsu is acting strange these past days I wonder what happened to him.

"Let's go Happy." he said

"Aye sir." Happy said

"Aren't we going now Lucy?"

"Ah! I'm coming." Natsu is really strange. I wonder why? Is he sick?


After the job, we head back to the guild. Mira-san welcomes us.

"Welcome back" Mira-san said

"Oh were back." Natsu said and head straight at a table and take a sit

"So how was your job?" Mira-san asked

"We did catch the thief but Natsu destroyed almost half of the city so we need to give our reward for catching the thief to repair the damages on the city we've create." I'm so depressed today. I'm tired, Natsu is acting strange and the worst of all, we didn't even get our reward. T^T

"Here. It will help you cool down a bit." Mira-san give me a cream soda

"Thank you Mira-san." I said as I lift my head from the counter

"Don't you think Natsu is acting different?" Mira-san asks.

"You think so too?"

"Yes, because just look at him, even though you guys experience this kind of situation before Natsu is still him. It doesn't affect him very much, but I think today he is acting like you Lucy-san today. He is also depressed, um, no, he's acting strange kind of like that?"

"That's what I also think of him today."I said

"Well just good luck on cheering him up okay?" Mira-san said and left the counter to deliver the beer of Macao and Wakaba ordered

"Oi Natsu! Let's settle our fight now!" Gray is picking a fight on Natsu again. Uh maybe if Gray try to pissed Natsu off he will come back to---

"I'm not in the mood today. I'm going home. Let's go Happy."

"EH??????!!!!!!!" All of us in the guild were surprised on Natsu's statement


I went home and plan to get a bath. I don't really get Natsu today. I headed to my room and-

"Ah my room!"

"Why are you here and don't strip at someone else home!" It was Gray. He was in my room and he's only wearing his boxer shorts

"Hey don't get me wrong I came here already naked" he said arrogantly

"Yeah whatever, just get out of here okay! This is not the stripping club you know?" I said

"Wait, I'm just going to asked you something." He said resisting going out while I am pushing him towards the door

"I just want to check what is wrong with Natsu. Did you guys fight? I-It's not like I'm worried or anything." he said

"Oh Gray I don't know you're a Tsundere type huh?"

"What are you talking about? It's just that it pisses me off for him to ignore me earlier." He defended

"Okay if that's the case. I don't know why he is acting like that. It also bothers me because whenever I talk to him he just replied with a single simple answer"

"Should we check on him?"

"Just let him is. He will get over it tomorrow."

"Okay, it's Natsu anyway." Gray said

"If he's still not okay tomorrow then I will talk to him."

"Okay, I'll leave that to you."

"Hey Gray!"


"You're starting to like Juvia do you?"

"Huh? What? Where did you get that idea from?" he said really surprise on what I said. I never really expect Gray to react like this and he's blushing

"No one, just a hunch."



"Um well okay I tell you, it's true that I'm starting to like her."

"So I'm right. Gray I'm happy for you! I'm sure Juvia will we glad if she hears that you like her now. Juvia's efforts are not in vain are they?" I said with rejoice but it's not like the same for Gray. He has this sad and pissed look in his face

"Hey what's wrong with you? Are you not happy with this?"

"Yes, but-"

"But? Why?"

"It's just Juvia is angry at me. She keeps on ignoring me whenever I am with her."

" Huh why would she do that? Juvia likes you right?"

"I don't know anymore."


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