Master Mavis

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Mavis's POV

The night have past and it's morning again. I don't really need sleep because I am a ghost, so I wake up early. I am here now walking through town near this resort. I'm just bored because everyone is tired after that all night long party. I really am glad that they did it well. ^_^

At the time that Natsu was dressed as a maid and he talked to Gray about something, I accidentally hear their conversation because I was the top of that tree where they are talking. I thought at first that Gray has a maid but when I look closer it was Natsu and he was so cute like a little girl in that maid costume. ^_^

~flash back~

"So what do you want to talk about?" Gray asked Natsu

"Gray, did Juvia asked you about the gift?" Natsu leaned sideward’s to Gray holding his hand on his cheek like asking some secret/private things. Well I am just interested on what they are talking about. Since I was there I eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Yes I said that she still can't open it but she always bugged me about it." Gray said and he scratches the back of his head. I wonder what they are talking about.

"Yah I know Lucy too. Maybe girls just don't want to wait that long for a a gift to be not opened." Gift? I think Natsu was talking some gift that they give two Lucy.

"So what now?"

"I said to Lucy that tomorrow night she can open it." Tomorrow night huh? I wonder while holding my chin with my hands closed.

"So? Do you want to do it tomorrow night?" Thinking...

"Yes if you want." Thinking....

"Okay that's fine by me!" Thinking...

"Okay that a deal okay." Ah! Hehehe This is going to be fun!

"Yes, but don't wear those clothes when you make the announcement okay hahaha" Gray said and walks toward Lucy and Juvia

"Ah Gray you bastard." Natsu is now pissed on what Gray have just said hehe they are like big brother and little sister quarriling.

"hahahaha let's go your master is waiting for you~ Nashi!!! hahahahaha" Gray teased Natsu as he's still walking towards the girls

"Aghhhhhh Gray!!!!!" Natsu yelled and also walks towards them.

Tomorrow night is going to be fun. While the two are making a deal for tomorrow, I was thinking of a strategy on how will do what they want to do, but I want to show it to everybody. I predict that those two have some announcement to make and this strategy was to help them make their announcement perfect without causing a spotlight show to the members of the guild. Hehehehe I plan on having a show that everyone can participate on what they want to do. If my prediction was right then mission accomplish. ^_^

The next day, everyone gathered at the resturant at the hotel to have breakfast together.

"Okay minna-san! We are going to have a show tonight and whoever wants to perform can prepare for the show. This is just a little bonding together with the whole guild. I am looking forward to your performance everyone. ^_^" I said to them that it is bonding time together for the two wouldn't find out, and this is extra for the bonding of the whole guild. ^_^

"Alright you hear the first master, everyone must have their performance understood?" Macarov said to them and the guild all responded "yeah!"

~end of flashback~

I returned back to the hotel and check everyone’s rooms. They are still asleep it is almost noon. Okay I will just let them sleep because they are all really tired of the crazy show yesterday. But I am really happy to have a guild members like them. Macarov surely have great and amazing kids that he is handling. I wish for Fairy Tails bright future. Hehehe. ^_^



Short filler chapter. ^_^ this show was all Mavis plan and it went out perfectly as she predicted. Mavis really is the best. So minna how do you like it? Vote and comment minna. Next chapter "What did I missed". Thanks for waiting minna-san ^_^


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