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Everyone is prepared for the trip they’ve been waiting for. Everyone gathered at the guild except for Natsu and Happy they are the only one left.

"Geez. Where are those two?" Lucy mumbled

"There be here in 3...2...1...." Gray said while pointing at the door of the guild

"Sorry we're late. hah...hah...hah..." Natsu and Happy said catching their breath

"What have you two been doing anyway?" Lucy scolded them

"Sorry Lucy. hehehe." Natsu said and hold Lucy's hand “Anyway let's go minna!!!" Natsu yelled

"Yeah!!!!" Everyone said and headed out the guild


During their ride to their destination

"Natsu where are we going?" Lucy ask Natsu while rubbing Natsu's back because of his motion of sickness while riding a transportation (by the way they are riding a train

"To the beach....ugh...." Natsu said covering his mouth

"BEACH!!!!!" Everyone yelled out of surpprised "but we don't have our swimsuits!!!"

"Don't worry minna I bring lots of swimsuits! tehehe." A mysterious voice came out of nowhere

"SHOUDAIME!!!????" Everyone yelled (Shoudaime means First Master)

"What are you doing here Shodai?" Master Macarov asked Mavis the first master and the founder of Fairy tail (I think everyone knows her)

"Well I heard the conversation of those two and I also want to have a vacation with everybody that why I came here hehe ^_^" Mavis said to them and give them a very cute smile

" Saa minna, let's go and have some fun!!!" Mavis shouted at the centre of the train

"Oooooohhh" Everyone yelled making everybody at the train look at them

"Shodaime is like a kid, don't you think?" Lucy said -_-

"Hmmmm Hmmmm" Erza noded with a smile

"Can't wait till we go there, right Carla?" Wendy said to Carla

"Ah you right at least we can relax our body from that current mission you two take."

"oh." Wendy gives Erza and Carla a smile."


Natsu's POV

At last the train stop from moving but I can't still get up because of this stupid sickness.

"Natsu come on get up or we'll leave you." Lucy said while putting one of my arms to her shoulders and this make me blush a bit, I just can't get her out of my mind. While I am sleeping earlier I keep on dreaming of her in a white dress and walking towards me....Lucy you’re so beautiful....

"Natsu...Natsu!!!!" Lucy yelled at me and taking me out of the train and making my mind out of my dream world

"How long do you intend to keep staring at me huh?" Lucy said and blushes a bit, aw she's so cute

"I'm okay now thank you Lucy" and then I give her a big smile

"O-Okay ....l-let's..... g-go" she said and her face is turning bright red

"Okay" (≧▽≦) <--- my face: P

We headed now to our hotel the place where we all in Fairy Tail will stay for the whole week.

"You two are late." Gray said

"It's because of this slacker. He really can't manage a small ride." Lucy said well that's true I hate this by the way we ride a carriage to come here.

"I'm sorry."

"Okay everyone let's head to our own rooms let's meet at the beach when everyone get's their rest. The rooms are consisting of two beds each so we are all going to our rooms by two. Pick your room mates and get your key with me." Erza explained to the whole guild, Erza looks like she is enjoying bossing everyone around here that Gray and I planned -__-

"Okay everyone has their keys now!" Erza said as she is done distributing the keys

The pairing is woman to woman and men to men. Erza don't want a woman and a man to stay in a room. This is so annoying because I will stay in the same room with this stupid bold star. (It’s Gray) and I give him a glare and he also did the same. I get separated with my kawaii Lucy. T.T Well it's okay because Juvia is staying with her.

The pairings are Happy, I and Gray, Lucy and Juvia, Erza, Wendy and Carla, Cana and Levy, Gajeel, Lily and Elfman, Mira and Lisanna , Freed and Bixlow, Laxus and the old geezer (Master Macarov) , Macao and Romeo, Bisca, Azuka and Alzack they are an exception because those two are married, Jet and Droy, and the others with their partners (too many to mention hahaha.)

The 3 of us headed to our room and the others did the same.

"Natsu." Gray called

"What?" I said shortly

"When do you want to do the surprised announcement to them?"

"I want it on the 4th day of our stay."

"Okay fourth day then" he said smiling

"What is this announcement huh?" Happy asked

"Himitsu (Secret)" Gray said

"Okay but I will find it out before the fourth day you'll see hahahaha" Happy mumbled



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