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Natsu's POV

"ne Natsu...when can I open your gift?" Lucy keeps on asking me on when she can open that present. Ever since we got here at the beach she keeps bugging me about it, and I just keep on saying...

"Just wait a few days more okay." she pouted and turn back to me keeping on mumbling about it

"You said that when we got here, I can open it."

"I am sorry okay, just wait...um let see... maybe tomorrow?"

"You better be, because if you wouldn't allow me to open it, I will force myself to open it and see what’s inside it and until I can't get to see that present I will not give you my present for you. hmmmpp!!!" she pouted again and walked out of the hotel

"ne..Lucy what's your present? Do I have one?" Happy said while flying away with Lucy heading to the beach

"Of course Happy I also made something for you it is a matching pair with Plue."

"Can I have it now?"

"Of course but when we reach the beach okay? ^_^"


And there they go leaving me behind alone. I think Lucy is now mad at me because she is so excited about that gift. But she really can't open it until the night of the announcement.

"Just wait a little while...Lucy"


Lucy's POV

"What's with that gift anyway?" I ask to myself as I walk alone at the sea side

"Lucy!!!!" I think someone is calling me. I turned around to find out who was calling. It was Natsu running towards me.

"What do you want?" I ask without emotion

"Are you mad?" he asked an obvious question

" No." the only word I said

"Lucy." he said seriously “If this is about the gift, I know your mad at me so I am sorry okay. I promise that you will see it tomorrow night okay?"


"Thanks Lucy, because I don't want you to get mad at me."

"Just keep that promise okay, you know that I can't stay mad at you forever. By the way here is your present from me. I give Happy his gift and Plue's." I reach out to him my present in a small box

"Thank you Lucy." he gives me his warmest smile and hugged me

"You don't have to hug me that much you know." he let go of me and still staring at the box

"Why won't you open it?" I asked him

"Because, I want to be fair. I will also wait until tomorrow night to open it because this is the first ever gift that I received from Lucy since she became my girlfriend." he smile again but this time he blushed and hug me again. I feel that my face is burning up with this situation

"I love you Lucy." he kissed me on the forehead and hug me tightly again

"I love you too Natsu." I hug him also and we stayed like that I think for a minute or two

(A/N: Best played it with music:: Eternal Fellows, FairyTail's Ova opening...)

"What do you want to do today?" he asked as he let go of the hugging

"I want to swim with everyone at the sea." I give him my sweetest smile and grabbed his hand and run to head back to others but he suddenly stop and write a line in front of us

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