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Mira's POV

Erza and I approach the cottage of Gray and Juvia when Lucy and Natsu came by. We followed them because of Natsu's appearance today. Well he's kinda cute in that maid dress.

"Looks good on you." Erza crossing her arms and smiling as we approach them

"Oh Erza!" Lucy said "This is Nashi" Lucy introduced Natsu to us

"That was a nice name." I said and smile at Natsu who looked really embarrassed of what he looks

"Don't be shy come on introduce yourself." Lucy said as she taps Natsu's back

"Y-y-yorushkunegaishimasu! N-Nashi-desu!!!" Natsu introduced with a bow to us. He looked really embarrassed and pissed at the same time

"Oh! Natsu! What's with the get up?! hahahahaha Looks good on you!" Gray teased Natsu as he came down from his seat to us

"Te me Gray! As I get done with this, You will get a piece of me!" Lucy knocked Natsu's head

"Aww that hurts Lucy." he said as he holds his head

"hehehehe" I giggled

"What's so funny Mira?" Natsu asked

"Your cute Natsu~!" Natsu blushed a bit

"Mira-nee!" Lisanna shouted as she run towards us

"Oh Lisanna." i said

"Let's swim~!"

"Okay for a minute. First let me introduced you to Lucy's new maid."


"Nashi!" I pointed Natsu

"Oh so cute~! Is that you Natsu."

"Lisanna don't look at me!" Natsu yelled at embarrassement

"hahahahaha." Lisanna laughed

"Let's go Lisanna, do you want to go Erza?"

"Okay." she said

"See you later....Nashi!!! hahahaha" Lisanna teased

"Te me Lisanna!!!"

"Cut that out already act gracefully."


Gray's POV

I can't stop laughing at Natsu when Mira-san and the other go for a swim. He really looks like a girl at his maid dress. He has a ribbon on his head and he wears a curly long pink wig. He even has his scarf on.

"Stop laughing at my cute maid Gray!" Lucy said

"Okay...okay sorry." I wiped my tears because I laughed really hard

"So...how long do you intend to wear those?" I asked Natsu

"She is going to be my maid just today because he lost to our race. Now I am his master." Lucy said

I admit that he is cute but my Juvia is much cuter that anyone else here. I look at her and she smile at me and I smile back at her.

"They liiiike each other!!!!" Lucy rolled his tounge while saying those words

"Are you copying Happy!" I said

"hahahaha." she laughed -Lucy

"Do you want to go for a swim Juvia!" Lyon said carrying Juvia bridal style. Where did this guy came from and he stole Juvia that easily?! I won't let you touch her you bastard Lyon.

"Lyon-sama!" Juvia said in shocked

"Lyon! What are you doing here?!"

"Ah Gray how it doing?"

"Can you let go of Juvia now?" Juvia said and get down from Lyon and run to me and hide at my back

"Hi guys!" The Lamia Scale guys said what they are doing here

"Ah Sherry!" Lucy said

"Oh Lucy! Hello, is that Natsu?"

"hehehe yes."

"You look cute Natsu-san and I think that is !~ love !"

"What's love in this?" Natsu complained

"We are just here because we are having our vacation that's all Lyon said."

"Oh is that so." I said

“By the way Lyon Juvia is now my girlfriend, so don't touch her okay!" I told Lyon that Juvia is mine now and he can't touch her

"Whaaaattttt?!!!!!" He shounted

"That what you hear."

"So I don't have a love rival with Lyon now. Come on Lyon let go swim." Chelia said

"Bye guys!'' They said and so back to the sea. I see that Lyon is sad because he can't have Juvia now.

"Gray! I still won't give up of Juvia! Remember that! Juvia, I will be back for you!!!!" Lyon shouted to us. He really are positive at things. And then I smile a bit.

"Want to go for a swim Juvia?" Lucy asked

"O-okay. Let's go Gray-kun."

"Oh okay." I said

"Wait. Lucy Let I talk to Gray for a moment please." Natsu said seriously at Lucy

"Okay but be sure to come okay?"


"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked

"Gray, did Juvia asked you about the gift?"

"Yes I said that she still can't open it but she always bugged me about it."

"Yeah I know Lucy too. Maybe girls just don't want to wait that long for a gift to be not opened."

"So what now?"

"I said to Lucy that tomorrow night she can open it."

"So? Do you want to do it tomorrow night?"

"Yes if you want."

"Okay that's fine by me!"

"Okay that a deal okay."

"Yes, but don't wear those clothes when ou make the announcement okay hahaha" I said as I walk toward Lucy and Juvia

"Ah Gray you bastard."

"hahahaha let's go you master is waiting for you~ Nashi!!! hahahahaha"

"Aghhhhhh Gray!!!!!"

They spend the hour swimming at the beach the other members also are having fun at the sea. But Erza is kind of spaced out, she is thinking of something. She is just sitting at the sand. Suddenly she yelled... "I know!!! Minna gather around here!!!" She called everyone in fairy tail.

“I have an idea. We should play a game." She said

“Game?" Everyone wondered what it is.

“It is called the battle of the fairies!"

"Ehhhhh!" Everyone yelled.
What kind of game is this? Are they going to fight because she called it battle? Okay let's find out at the next chapter " Battle of the Fairies".

To be continued....~!

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