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Gray's POV

This is the day that Lucy and I will do our plan.

" Gray this is our plan, we will go to a date for 3 days. If the plan works within 3 days to Natsu, I will tell Juvia everything. Juvia will know because we will announced it to the guild for them to know. "

I am not really sure about this, but I will try my best. She also said that I can get Juvia with this. I hope so.


Lucy and I meet at a cafe down town. When Lucy came, I was amazed by her beauty. She is so beautiful in her clothes even though it is just simple. I wish Juvia and I can do this kind of thing.

"Gray, have you been here for awhile? "

"No I just got here."

"Oh okay."

" Are you ready for this Gray?"

" Not really I'm nervous."

Lucy hold my hand and said " Gray this is not only for me but also for you, we're friends right, we help each other. "

" Okay, Thank you Lucy." I smile at her and she smile back

" What!!!!!!" a girl shouted at the store infront of this cafe

" Oh it's Lisanna!" Lucy said

" O damn, she saw us before we show to the guild that we are dating "

"No it's okay haha I think.?" she said

" Oi oi don't you 'I think' it!!"

" I think um... eh.... Its Okay hahaha. -^- "

"Okay huh" -_-


Juvia's POV

As Lisanna -san said that they are at the coffee shop down town I search every coffee shop I passed by.

“They aren't in here either." I can't find them. They aren't any of these shops.,,,,,, I found them they are talking, I wonder what are they talking about. I decided to hide behind the pole on the other side in front of the cafe and watch them. They look really happy, are they really having a da.....da......DATE!!!!!!!!!! @ o @ !! T^T whahhhhhh. Juvia can't take this. Juvia can't take this!!!

Gray-samaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Why? Why? Why? Juvia is always by your side but why did you choose her over me?! T.T whaaaaaahhhh Juvia can't take this.

I run as fast as I could to the guild. I need to talk to someone about this. My chest hurts my heart is breaking. My love rival has become my Gray-sama's girlfriend now. whaaaaahhhhh.!!!!!!!

“Mira-san! Mira-san!!! Gray-sama, Gray-sama is..whaaaahhhh.!!!"

"Okay, okay come down Juvia." Mira-san said "Tell me what's wrong?"

"Gray-sama a date with Lucy-san!"

"What?!" she said

"WHATTTTTTTT!?" everyone in the guild said

“Yes, I saw them at the coffee shop where Lisanna said they were. T^T "

"Come here Juvia, just cry it all out." and then Mira-san hug me and I hugged her back and cry as I could tear my eyes off.


"There, there.”

"Mira-san can you and Juvia go to the back yard where she can fill the lake up with her tears, it's flooding here you know" Macao-san said and then Mira take me outside and I still keep on crying.


Author's Note

What do you think of the last chapter minna?

Vote and comment please so that I knew what all the readers think about my fanfic. :) Thank you for reading...

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