Surprise!!!! or Suprise?????

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Gray's POV

What a tiring day with Lucy today. Even though this is only part of our plan I enjoy it. As I walk to the river side I saw Juvia sitting there she was throwing rocks to the river like cursing every stone she throws.

"Juvia, what are you doing here at this time?" I ask as I walk to her

"Ah, Gray-sama." she was shock when she saw me and she wipe her eyes, is she crying. "um....I was just taking fresh air."

"You might get a cold if you stay here any longer."

" No I am okay, I'm going back to Fairy Hills" she said as she stand up

" Hey Juvia!"

"What is it?"

"Are you...uh never mind, good night!"

"Okay, goodnight"

She doesn't seem so cheerful, is she sick or maybe she knows!!!? Oh god I must tell Lucy. I ran towards Lucy's apartment. I knock through the door but she is not answering, is she asleep already. I let myself in and go towards her room.

" ( O×O ) " <----- I was like this when I saw them in here in Lucy's room. What are they doing here?!


" Gray!!! Whoah....whoahhh....." boggsshhhhh he fell from the ladder he is in when he saw me


"Yo! ja ne yo! Bastard I fell down because of you that hurt you stupid." he said angry

“What are you doing there? And why is Lisanna and Happy here?"

" is..." @///@ !! "

“Never mind I think I know what this is all about." I knew it because of the decorations

" So, when do you plan on showing this to her?"

"Well um this Monda--- haaaahhhh!!!!! Um Gray I know that you two are dating,... so ...... Sorry Gray!" he said sadly

" No."

"No? no what?"

" No, Lucy is not my girlfriend." ^_^

" That's great. Because I am planning on getting her back." .... - o -..... @_@ .....O o O......-_-......... loading....loading.....loading complete!!! “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!!"

" I said we ...are ...not!!!"

" Really!" “but Lisanna said that she saw you guys are holding hands at the cafe!"

" That was a misunderstanding by Lisanna. You see we have this plan, but I was planning to back out from this because I saw Juvia crying and I thought that she knew, I came here to tell Lucy that we should stop our plan."

"What plan?"

"To make you two, Juvia and you Natsu jealous"

"Why would you two do such thing?"

" This is Lucy's plan from the start she just ask a help from me and she said that I can get Juvia to notice me again if we do this plan, you see Juvia lately this days are ignoring me it’s like that she doesn't love me anymore. Why is it that when I actually like her she keeps on ignoring me, that’s why I can't confess my feelings for her, so I agree to Lucy's plan. Lucy is jealous of you and Lisanna , you two are always together, you didn't even have time for her, you are just like Juvia, you keep on ignoring her that's why she come up with this stupid plan."

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