"That Day"

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Natsu's POV

That day was the time I confessed my feelings for Lucy. And that day is the time I started to act like this. I don't know why but since that day I feel uncomfortable when I'm with Lucy. So I asked Lisanna some advise because it looks like Lucy doesn't remember it.

"Lisanna did you remember that Lucy almost died during our last S-class mission with Erza and the others?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well you see, I thought that Lucy will die that time and I said to her that I love her."

"Eh?! So you finally confess to her."

"Yes but I don't think She remembers it. And you know that whenever I asked her out she always said she is busy."

"Okay I know what you should do. You should play hard to get with her."

"Play hard to get? You know that Natsu can't do it hehehe" Happy said

"Okay Happy I'll prove it to you that also I can play that game."


"Lisanna are you done?!" I said while fixing the decorations for the plan

"Not yet."

"Happy how are you doing?!" I said

"Aye, everything’s under control!"

"Hahaha oh Happy, even if you said that you get yourself tangled up with that cloth." Lisanna said

"Everyone I want this room to be done by tomorrow okay." I said

"Aye!" "Okay!" they said

"Thank you ^_^ "


Lucy's POV

"Let's call it a day Gray!"

"Okay, I'm tired also, that was a fun day."

"Yah, I wish we can be what we have done today with them."

Gray and I spent our day on the carnival that has been open a week ago in Magnolia. All we do is to talk about the other two while going on the rides. We can't keep them out of our minds the whole time.

"I wish that too, bye Lucy I'm going home."

"Okay, don't forget tomorrow is the day we tell them."

" Okay"


Before going home I thought of visiting the guild.

" Okairinasai Lucy!" Mira-san said

"oh tadaima!"

" Lucy can I ask you a favor?" she said

"okay, but where is everyone?"

"They all went home."

"But it's too early?"

"ahahaha, um....about that....ahahaha"

"Mira-san your weird, okay I won't ask" "What about your favour?"

"Ah! Can you stay at our house tonight?"

"Oh okay."

"Thank you"

"uh" Mira-san is acting weird I wonder what's wrong?


At Mira-san's room

"Mira-san why did you invite me all of a sudden?"

"Ah nothing much I just want to have time with you ahahaha" she really is acting weird

“hey Lucy can I ask you something?"

"Okay anything!"

"Do you like Natsu-san?" she ask directly

"What!!!" O //×//O " uh....um...uh..."

"So you do like Natsu huh?" she teased

" uh... hai _ /////_ "

" So I was right!"

" + n + "

“So? What is the reason that you've like him? I know that you have your reason because I know that you two are best friend."

"Yes we are, and the reason that I like him now is when I hear him say those words during our job that day."

"During our S-class job with the team (Natsu, Gray, Erza, Happy, Wendy, Carla) I got a grave injury remember that?"


"That is the moment that he said something to me that is very important he said."

When I was lying down on the ground during our job because I got a grave injury, I thought I was going to die at that moment, but before I pass out Natsu say something to me.

"Lucy!!! Lucy!!! Don't die yet Lucy, hang in there!!!"


"Ah Lucy hang in there, don't give up!"

"Natsu...am I going to die?"

"No!!!! no!!!!You’re not going to die.!"

"Are you crying?" I said as I reach out his face

"No! I'm not crying. I am glad that you are alive don't talked again, I called Wendy to heal your wounds."

"Thank you for everything Natsu"

"Lucy please don't talk anymore, just listen what I am going to say this is very important" he said while holding my hand and he really is crying I feel getting pass out.

" Lucy every since I met you I feel comfortable when you are by my side. We are always together. After what happen in Tenrou Island that was the time I started to like you. That day at the Grand Magic games, when they tortured you , I was really angry with them because they hurt you and insult you. I was always watching you and I will do anything to protect you, I can even sacrifice my life for you but today I can't do anything to protect you. I am so stupid and weak that you need to suffer right now. I love you Lucy, I really do, so don't leave me please always stay by my side forever."

I heard every word Natsu have said but I don't have the energy right now to open my eyes and the last thing I heard was my name being called by Natsu while crying and after that I passed out.

"So that's what happens. Okay, sorry about asking you that Lucy and sorry for bothering you to come over."

"No no it's fine" "Thank you Mira-san" "Let's sleep?"

"Uh okay oyasumi"



To be continued....

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