Ice on Water

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Gray's POV

The sun is almost setting, when the others decided to go to the beach and set up a bonfire. After we rest up a bit earlier this afternoon when we arrive, everyone just gather around to a room at the hotel and decided to play random games. They said that 'who can stay not getting tempted by the sea will get some reward'. And you know what's the reward? A key chain from the lobby that was given when we check in. -_- And this is the idea of the first master. And we all rejected that game because of that ridiculous prize. We also play truth or dare, spin the bottle and the like.

This is the first sunset that I've ever watch with my beloved Juvia. She takes me to some part of the beach where there is no one around. She said that she wants to spend time with me alone. We take a seat at the white sand infront of the sea. The sunset reflected the sea and the water is sparkling.

"Gray-sama..." she said softly looking at the sunset

"What is it?" I replied to her and look at her

"It's beautiful isn't it?" she said and then makes a short smile

"Not as beautiful as you are." I said shortly and smiled at her touching her face, she blush a bit and it really suits her because she has the most beautiful smile

"Gray-sama...Juvia ca---."

"You don't need to address me so highly now Juvia, your my girlfriend now." I interrupted her and give her a big smile

"Σ(O_O)" I'm surprised that she suddenly hugged me

"Thank you Gray-sa---, Gray-kun!!!" she yelled with happiness on her face and -kun? Well that's much okay with me than she address me as -sama.

"Thank you for what?" I asked

"Juvia just can't get out of my mind the words you said when we had our first date during our first day being together as a couple."

"That words huh. But its true isn't it?"

"Y-yes that's why Juvia is so happy." she really is cute when she is smiling. "Gray-kun lets countdown until the sun was fully set. We have 10 seconds starting now."

"10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2.....1!!!" we both said together counting down from 10-1

"Let's go Gray-kun, Juvia is sure that everyone is waiting for us. ^_^" standing up and pulling me to stand up and then she run with a big beautiful smile on her face.

"Okay." I will make her wish came true and will always make her happy because I don't want to take that smile out of her face.

I run up to her and hold her hand and we both run until we get back to everyone.


Returning back the time when Gray asked Juvia to be his girlfriend

Juvia's POV

As we leave Lucy's house, Gray-sama said we should spent the remaining time of the day together. We enter a cafe and this is the cafe where I saw Lucy and Gray-sama.

"Um....Gray-sama, why did you take Juvia here?" Juvia asked with curiosity

"Because Lucy said to me when we came here that when our plan works, I should bring you here. You know why? Because this cafe serve a latte that is customized. You can request a latte art of your own design you want. ^_^" Juvia suddenly became sad because Juvia remembered the time that Gray-sama holds Lucy's hand

"Hey Juvia what's wrong? Are you okay?" Juvia suddenly snap out of it when Gray-sama calls my name

"Ah sorry Gray-sama, it's just the time that you two went here, Juvia saw you hold hands with Lucy. T^T"

"A-ah you saw that!? But that was a misunderstanding. You see we headed here to talk about our plan, Lucy was worried if our plan will not work so I comforted her that's all." Gray-sama explained


"Of course. But the way it is now our plan works."

"B-but Juvia really felt sad because of that, but Juvia now know that Gray-sama really care for me so Juvia understand."

"Don't worry I won't do such thing again. ^_^" this words of his made Juvia happy again :)

"Okay, Juvia wants to order a latte art that has the face of Gray-sama tehee ^_^"

"W-what why my face?" Juvia notice that Gray-sama blush a bit and it's so cute

"Because Juvia want's Gray-sama."

"....order what you want" he said and turn his face away from me and his face turns red

"What do you want Gray-sama?"

"Water...Just a glass of water.."

"Okay." I call the waiter and place our orders he said that I need to wait for 15 mins for my latte art the waiter immediately bring the glass of water to Gray-sama.

"Why didn't you order a cafe Gray-sama?" Juvia asked him

"Because...because...ah never mind..." he dodge the question

"Juvia, you see this glass of water, it is not full right it has a space for the drinker to drink properly. This space will also be filled with water if you put some ice cubes in it (he puts some ice cubes on the glass of water using his magic)"

"A-ah the water spilled because of the ice cubes and the glass was full as you said Gray-sama. But what about it?"

"You are like this glass of water before but now you’re going to be like this (he pointed out the glass of water with ice cubes) I will fill that space in you with my love." Juvia's face turns bright red “Remember the first time we met?"

"Y-yes but Juvia was you enemy that time and that was the time I fall in love with you."

"R-really?" Gray-sama silently blush

" What about it?"

"It was sunny that time but when I saw you it suddenly pour down. Did you know that when it is raining the sky is sad and it was crying?" He said and looks at the sky because we just sit at the outside table


" And at that time also is the first time you so the blue skies right. I just think of it recently that maybe before the time we met, you are sad because they called you the rain woman. But that change when you met me. And that made me happy because I help you to make a new happy life. I am sorry that I didn't notice my feeling for you right away."

"You don't need to apologize, Gray-sama. It's okay because Juvia's patience gives a beautiful result." I smiled at him and also the time that my latte art came

"You want a taste Gray-sama?"

"No I don't feel like drinking myself."



" I love you Juvia and I promise to make every day of your life as happy as the blue skies."

"Juvia loves you too Gray-sama and Juvia will do the same for Gray-sama, after all an ice won't be turn to ice without water hehehe." I giggle and take a sip at the latte

We both spend the rest of the day talking to each other and Juvia considered this the best day ever yet. ^_^



Next NaLu chapter what do you think of the Gruvia part. Thank you for reading. Vote comment and share please. :)


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