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Juvia's POV

After the competition yesterday everybody have a little celebration. The prize that Asuka-chan and Lily receive from Erza-san was a tower of ice cream. Asuka-chan really enjoys her prize and shares it to the guild. Erza-san said that if a couple win the game, she will give us a ticket for a special dinner but since no one did it and Asuka chan is the winner, she gave it to Bisca and Alzack instead. If Juvia knew that, that was the prize, Juvia could have win this game so that we can have our first dinner date with Gray-sama. Juvia is so disappointed but as Juvia seen the smile on Gray-sama's smile when we crosses the line that is enough for Juvia. All Juvia want is to have fun with Gray-sama together. Bisca and Alzack surely enjoyed their night. (T^T) Juvia is really jealous. 'There is just one thing that Juvia can't get out of her mind, it was this present that Gray-sama give to me the day he confess his feelings to me.' Juvia thought as she looked at the little box. (* A/N: Juvia is still thinking okay. remember she always talks at third person. ^_^) Gray-sama said that I can't opened it until today. Gray-sama said to Juvia yesterday night that I can open this gift this night. Juvia is really curious what's inside this box. Juvia attempts many times to open this but Gray-sama always pops out when I am about to open this. Is he spying on Juvia or something. 'But whatever because Juvia can open this tonight.' Juvia thought as Juvia smile while looking at the box. (*A/N: by the way Juvia is in her room. she is sitting on her bed and she just woke up and recall what happened yesterday and saw the box at the small table beside her. Lucy is still sleeping at the other bed. ^_^ PS. Juvia is still saying Gray -sama because it became her habit and whenever Gray said to drop the -sama thing she changes it to Gray-kun. ^_^)

"What's in that box anyway huh?!" Juvia gasp when Lucy just suddenly spoke out of her sleep. Is she also thinking about the same gift as Juvia do?

"hahaha Lucy is even talking in her sleep." Juvia giggled and whispered so that Lucy wouldn't here

"Juvia? Lucy? Are you awake?" Someone on the door said as he knocked

Juvia get's off her bed and walked towards the door and opened it. Juvia saw Natsu and Gray outside.

"Oh Juvia your awake. Good Morning!" Waaahh it's Gray-sama and he greeted Juvia Good morning!!! >^

"Oh Good morning Gray-kun. Good Morning also Natsu-san" Juvia greeted them.

"Where is Lucy?" Natsu asked as he comes into the room

He heads towards Lucy's bed and take a sit there. Gray-sama comes in also and just stands up beside me while looking at Lucy while sleeping.

"Oy Lucy!!! Wake up!!! Its morning already let's have breakfast! Erza is calling for all of us!" Natsu said as he taps Lucy's face waking her up.

"hmmmmmed." Lucy only ignored Natsu as she rolled and turned the other side

"Okay you try to wake up that sleeping beauty of yours; Juvia and I are going ahead of you. Come on let's go Juvia." Gray-sama said and he started to take Juvia outside the room

"But Gray-kun are you letting Juvia go downstairs in front of everybody at this clothes?" Juvia said softly as Gray-sama pushes Juvia towards the door. And Juvia is still wearing her pyjamas. It is embarrassing to look like this in front of everybody you know.

"O-oh hahaha sorry." Gray-sama said and let me go

"Okay Juvia is just going to change." Juvia said as Juvia headed toward the bathroom with her clothes

As Juvia changes her clothes I heard the conversation of Natsu-san and Gray-sama. Juvia is not eavesdropping but she can hear it Juvia has no choice but to hear their convo. Juvia hear about what will happen tonight. Natsu said that he is going to say 'it' tonight to Lucy and that are the same words that Gray-sama said. Juvia finished changing clothes and get back to them.

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