The Plan

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Gray's POV

"Yosh, Gray let's do this!" she said really pumped up

"Are you really sure about this?" I ask

"I don't know either but it may actually work...I think?"

"What!!!" I yelled I think I just fell on the floor. Doing something you're not sure of is pointless

"Come on Gray, this can get your Juvia back" she said

"Okay, just for three days okay?"



The next day...

Lisanna's POV

I was walking by the town to buy something for Mira-nee that she asks me to buy.

"One bag of strawberries, please." I said to vendor

"Here you go young lady" the woman said giving me my strawberries

"Thank you ma'am"

"Hey are you a Fairy Tail mage?" she ask questionably

"Yes, why?"

"Do you know that two people?" The woman pointed at the coffee shop in front of her store

Ah...It''s... LUCY-san!!! with Gray-san!!!!

I was shocked when I saw them holding each other's hands.

"Ah yes ma'am they are from my guild." what are they doing

"Ah that's why their face is so familiar, aren't they the sweetest couple?"

"WHAT!!!" I shouted

"Oh my!"

"Oh I am sorry ma'am, I got to go now bye."

"Ah okay, be careful."

I run to the guild as fast as I could. The time I get back to the guild I give the grapes to Mira-nee and find Natsu.

Natsu is sitting at a table beside the window. He is writing something and Happy beside him is eating a fish.


"Oh Lissana, what's with the rush?"

"Is Lucy-san and Gray-san dating?!"

"WHAT?!" he yelled as he got up from his chair

"So you don't know?"

"No" he said and he's expression turned from surprised to a sad one and take his sit again

"I saw them at the -" I didn't finish my sentence because Juvia-san just popped out of the table

"Where?" she ask grinning


"Where are they?!" she is really scaring me

"they at the coffee shop down town"

" Lisanna-san arigatou" then she's gone

"What was that about?" Happy asked

"I don't have any idea" Natsu said

"Going back to the topic, you don't really know about them?"

"Like I told you so, I don't know." he still have that sad face but not he looks a bit pissed

"Your team mates right?"

"Yeah" he said sadly

"This is what I am afraid of. Playing hard to get is not a great idea but you still push to do it. Now Lucy-san is with Gray now. How do you plan on getting her back? I know let's do your Plan. Maybe by doing it might work." I said confidently


"Okay guys here is the plan, I've been working with this since morning, is it alright Lisanna?"

"Yeah, it's perfect. Surely Lucy-san will notice you again and I feel sorry for Juvia also."

"Aye, Lucy is really busy this days that she didn't have time to bond with us."

"Yeah Happy, and surely we can get Lucy back in no time" Natsu said eagerly

"That damn Gray! Stealing my girl from me! I will show him what I am capable of, I will get her back! I all fired up!"

I am happy that Natsu is back to his cheerful self again.


To be continued...

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