Surprise!!!! or Suprise????? (Part 2)

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Juvia's POV

Mira-san put a blind fold at me and started pulling me and running. I don't know where are we going and why this is all about but I am just worrying if something might hit me or if I trip on something while running with a blind fold.

"Ah Mira-san, where are you taking Juvia?" I grab my hand and stop on running.

" Ah Juvia it is a secret but trust me no one's gonna hurt you okay. Hold my hand and we are going to run, we might be late at the sur-- opsss let's go" she said and we started running again but we are accelerating our speed this time Juvia is really worried about what is this all about.

We run and run and run until we stop. Mira-san said that I should keep the blind fold on but I think that we stop on someone's house because we passed by a door and now climbing up stairs. It is so noisy up there, are we going to party? Why do I need to wear a blind fold? They can just invite me casually. I don't know why but Juvia is getting nervous. Juvia is now at the 2nd floor of the house with Mira-san.

"Oh just in time!" Mira-san said

"Here is the other one!" Mira said exhaustedly, I am exhausted myself because we run a mile away I think

" Mira-san what is this?" I said as I take out the blind fold but she didn't answer me but just smile and walk away with Lissana-san

"Juvia you're just on time the two just finishes their love scene hahaha" It was Happy he was flying towards me and he is eating a fish. I look around I saw Natsu-san and Lucy-san together; I think they've done the plan already but why didn't they tell it to Juvia?

"Happy I thought that I was part of this plan?"

"Aye hahaha" he said and flies away and keeps on eating his fish

"Happy!" I said being annoyed. Juvia is really annoyed because he just eat and walked ah no fly away Juvia.

The lights suddenly shut off. Then a spot light came out and the one who in on the spot light was Gray-sama. I was shocked because he is looking at me and he is holding a bouquet of roses. Could this be...?? He's walking towards me and I don't know what I am feeling right now, my heart is beating fast.

doki...doki...he's coming closer...doki...doki... he's infront of me... doki...doki..."Juvia." he said, kyaa my heart skip beat when he calls my name. He gives me the bouquet of roses and smile at me.

"Hey Happy can you put the lights back on? This is embarrassing." he blushed! >///< !! kyaa so cute!!! By the way Happy was the one who turned off the light and he was the one holding the spot light up in the air.

"Aye sir." and then he turn the lights on again


"Gray-sama what is ...--"

"Gomen, I am sorry for making you sad I didn't mean to hurt you. " he said making a sad face

"What do you mean?" I was confused because I can't understand why is he apologizing

"Natsu told me everything about your attitude towards me this whole time."

"But you and Lucy-san?"

"That was our plan to make you two jealous."

"Ahahaha that's my Luige's plan for you hahaha." Natsu-san said happily

"Luige is not my name its Lucy!" and she hit Natsu-san on the head

"That was a joke my lovely fire of my life." he said with a smile

"Aiyee!!! "Lisanna-san said

"Oy Natsu!! It's my turn right? Do your lovey dovey thing later, I can't take this embarrassing moment hanging."

"Oy don't be embarrass Gray just be yourself." Natsu-san said

"That's the point this is not me at all."




"Why? I didn't do anything yet."

"I know but, this moment is enough for Juvia." I smile "Juvia forgive you, because you did something like that for Juvia. Juvia really can't take it to ignore Gray-sama but it is part of the plan. Juvia is really jealous of Lucy because Gray-sama dated her. Gray-sama I made this for you I hope you like it Juvia made this with all her heart in it." I give him this little paper bag with a box inside that I was holding this whole time. I made this thing for a whole week and I try my best making it because this is the first time Juvia made such thing.

"Juvia did you made this by yourself?"

" Well, I ask a little help with Natsu-san." I looked at Natsu and he smiles

"This is awesome Juvia! I like it thanks!"

It is a bracelet that is made with metal and has a design of the fairy tail crest and written the words Gray and Juvia forever. It’s a little corny but I am glad that Gray-sama liked it.

"Juvia this is for you" my heart is beating fast as he kneel down and handing me a box.


"Juvia, I am really sorry for what I have done to you not just our plan with Lucy but all this time I kept on ignoring your efforts for me but that's not true. The truth is I can't express my feelings greatly that's why I am like this to you but inside of me is celebrating because I am much getting in love with you when you always bugged me. I didn't want you getting hurt. I am also getting hurt inside when you are suffering. I've always save you a bunch of times because I care for you as a nakama and part of the fairy tail, every one of us would do the same as I do. We in fairy tail treasured of friends and family and the person we loved the most and protect them even if it cost our lives, but because Juvia you are the very special and wonderful thing that comes to my life. Juvia I Love You and I will be always by your side to protect and love you forever. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Gray-sama... Yes. Juvia wants Gray-sama to be her boyfriend. Juvia can even be you wife. ^_^ I love you Gray-sama!"

"Yes? Yes! Juvia is now mine forever maybe in the future we can get married but not now. ^_^"

"Yahoo!!! Now we can go to that place! We just need to wait for the others." Natsu-san said

"Ah Juvia don't open yet that box until we get there okay?"



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~ Satsuki-sama

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