After Party You need to clean

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Lucy's POV

After all that surprises, Mira-san and Lisanna we're the first to go back to the guild they said that they will tell everyone about the place we we're going. And after that Juvia and Gray left, they said that they will take a walk and talk about something. (haha -_-) Natsu, Happy and I were left at my room. The place is like a dump side, it is so messy. And this two have the guts to just lay down on my bed. Graaarrrwwww!!!! Annoying!!!

"So tired, so tired!!! I want to sleep. Lucy come over here and sleep with me. I didn't sleep all night just to prepare this surprise, you know. ahhhhhhh." and then he fell asleep. Oh gosh this guy. "Aye." so this cat what am I going to do with this mess

"Oi, you two, wake up! Help me to clean-up this mess you've done." I said as I shake their heads

"Lucy, I want to sleep." he said and then grabbed me so my body fell on the bed. Now he is hugging me.

"Oy Natsu! Before you sleeps help me to clean up this mess!" I said as I struggle from his arms

"Okay, Okay." and then he let go of me and stand up and ordered Happy to get the broom. And he started to pick up the trash and put it on the plastic bag I am holding.

"Natsu where are we actually going later?" I ask him

*yawns* " As Erza and others came back it's a secret"

"Okay" I am a little bit curious

After we finish cleaning my room and get my things back to where they belong, the two resume their nap on my bed. They're look like an angel. ^_^

“After all that cleaning, I think I want to relax in the bath."

As I dip myself into the tub, I think about the gift of Natsu for me. I wonder what it is. Natsu really surprised me about what happen today. I didn't think that Natsu can do such thing, well I know that Lisanna helped him to do that ^_^. I think that was the sweetest thing that he has ever done to me. I am still curious about that gift, maybe I may take a peek, Natsu is sleeping this is my chance to take a peek. hehehe :3 As I put my clothes on and tied my hair, I took the box that he gave to me. I look at him first to make sure that he is really sleeping. And then as I open the box....drum roll....doki...doki...--- kyaaaaa!!!!!

"Lucy! Don’t open that box without my permission! Or else you will receive a punishment." he said while sleeping, I thought that he really saw me opening the box. That scares me. How can he talk while sleeping and in the right timing that I am going to open his present. Maybe the gift can wait until later. I think I also take a nap. :)

As I lay down my bed, I saw Natsu's angelic face beside me. He was really cute when he is asleep. :) I hugged him and closed my eyes. I was surprised that he hugged me too. :) And then I fall asleep hugging Natsu for the first time. :)


Author's Note:

What do you guys think of this chapter? ^_^ thanks for the support of my readers and for your votes. I hope you give your reviews. Thank you minna for reading and voting please comment more :) :) :)

~ Satsuki-sama

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