Secrets Part 4

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"Paging Dr. Wilson of Cardio, Paging Dr. Wilson of Cardio. Please proceed to OR 7 immediately. Thank you."
The sound of the public address system echoed through the sterile grounds of the hospital, echoing in every corner of the vicinity.

Taylor and Charlie have just arrived after a closely 20 minute drive from Taylor's home. They just went through the emergency room to easily get in without the paparazzi stealing some shots, it was the least thing that Taylor needs right now considering she was currently put under stress and was still not in her best condition.

"Wait-" Taylor mumbled under her breath and came to a halt, moving aside closer to the nearest wall to lean her body to support her weight. She felt lightheaded and nauseous once again as the ambiance of the hospital was taking the best of her. The sounds surrounding her seemed muffled and impenetrable, only adding to the amount of discomfort that doesn't seem enough. She closed her eyes, given the fact that this was the only way to swat the feeling away but unfortunately, she was unsuccessful. The next thing she knew, when she opened her eyes, Charlie was looking straight at her, probably asking if she was alright, but she can barely hear him. He can see him mumbling as his lips parted to talk, but she can't really understand what he was saying due to the fact that she was still unsettled. Because of not wanting to be a burden to Charlie, she just nodded her head in response, soon enough, he was already carefully peeling her off from the wall and assisting her as they proceeded along the plain white hall of the hospital that doesn't seem to have an end.

"Are you sure you're okay?"Charlie then asked as they were waiting for the elevator, he noticed that Taylor was yet again becoming unsteady, as a response, Taylor shook her head in opposition.

"No. I feel, I-" She exhaled as another wave of nausea hit her again. But this time, she knew better, she dashed to the nearest comfort room and ended up kneeling infront of the toilet as she began coughing uncontrollably and dry heaving.

Her eyes are welling up with tears and her lower limbs felt limp. She was groaning as the discomforting feeling was getting in the way of her breathing. Just the thought of Adam dying made her sick to her stomach. She can't bear the notion of him laying lifeless on the bed with more machines hooked up on his arm. The sight she had to witness just a few days ago already was too much for her, she can't imagine how worse it can get.

She flushed the toilet as soon as she was finished and held onto the railings to pull herself up.

She got out of the cubicle and was now rinsing her mouth with the tap on, when her eyes met with her reflection on the mirror. She noticed how a mess she already looked like. Her hair was almost tangled, her eye bags were growing darker, her eyes just lost their usual sparkle and her forehead was covered with blots of sweat. She realized how much she has neglected herself for these past few days. She realized how much effect Adam had on her, even now.

Taylor took her eyes off from her own reflection and began washing her face instead to at least help reduce the amount of distress that was visible on her face. When she came out of the comfort room, she almost bumped into Charlie who was just passing by the opposite direction.

"Hey, I didn't know where you went."

"I'm sorry- I just. I needed to go to the comfort room."

"It's fine. I understand."

"Thank you."

"It's nothing. I just wanted to help, you know. So how are you? Are you feeling better? I figured you-" He stopped in the middle of speaking but it was not Taylor's intention to cut him off with her nod.


"Mr. Harris is in a medically induced coma,he has suffered from a relapse- a deterioration in someone's state of health after a temporary improvement. It is highly unlikely that he'll survive this if he wasn't treated immediately. I performed the surgery with Dr. Wilson, he is an attending cardiothoracic surgeon and we're glad we were able to perform the necessary procedure minutes after he suffered from a heart attack. Does anyone of you know if he has a medical history that will most likely reinforce this incident?"

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