Secrets Part 10 Held Hostage

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"It happened 12 years ago." It looped in his head like a broken record. "She's already dead."

He went on a rage, he turned himself into a beast. The tools on the medical tray just beside the hospital bed were all scattered on the floor, as he hit them with all of his remaining strength. He can hear them as they dropped to the ground one by one. In his eyes, fury was deeply ingrained, and there was nothing dwelling in them but resentment alone.

His parents tried to control him, but he wouldn't let them. He was angry, he was devastated and he was hurt all at the same time. He couldn't accept that the girl that he loved the most was already gone. He couldn't wrap his mind around it, because for him, it was all good yesterday. He was just holding her hand as they were cruising down the backroad on their way home. In his memory lays the final glance that he had of her before all hell broke loose. Although that 'yesterday' that he has been bound to believe in has in fact happened several years ago. The only truth in that moment was the mere fact that he was being held hostage by his past and the sudden shift in the dynamic was an abrupt consequence of the memories that he couldn't recall. It was like the devil took away his memory.

"I should have been the one instead, it shouldn't have been her." He sobbed and grieved for the lost time , his thick Scottish accent fading into view.

Adam's chest began to be filled with grief, that the tears came like a strong tidal wave. He was hurt, he felt betrayed by the circumstances, more so, he felt played by the time.

"I want to go where they took her!" He summoned in agony and tried to get out of the hospital bed. David quickly responded to his son's sudden proposition, he held him back and tried to prevent him.

"No, you can't do that just yet." David objected. "Son, please. Calm down! " He struggled to keep him in his grip.

"Pam, please ask for help." He later on requested when he couldn't restrain Adam any longer.

Pamela quickly came out of the room to call for assistance and a medical team quickly attended to them.

Adam's father, who has been restraining him, now stepped away and let the doctors tend to their son. Now Adam was under the care of the two interns who just came in.

"Give him a dose of valium." The doctor ordered as an intern injected it on his iv.

"No!" He protested. "Please don't put me down. Please don't!" He pleaded as his energy slowly deteriorated. He couldn't scream and he suddenly wasn't strong enough to move anymore. His eyelids began to feel heavy and his vision slowly became blurry. A breath hitched down his throat as he gathered all of his limited strength to exert an effort to call her once more. 

"I want to-" He paused as the medicine starts to take in effect. "I want to see her." His voice lowered down and all that was left was just a trace of protest.

"Am- Amelia..." It was the last word that he was able to utter before he was completely put into sleep with the drugs that they have given him.  

Adam was once again thrusted forward to face the unfair reality as his hands seemed to be tied up behind his back.  

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