Secrets Part 5: Man To Man

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It was the morning after and Taylor just returned from the cafeteria and as she took a turn to the hall where Adam's hospital room was, she was alarmed when the sight of doctors rushing in and out of Adam's hospital room bombarded her.

Suddenly, there was a split second where everything seemed to go in slow motion. The time. The people. The muffled voices. The beat of her heart. It all went from a hundred mile an hour to a sudden halt. She was left there in the middle of the hall, just a few steps away from the ongoing commotion and everyone else seemed to be oblivious of her presence, of the fact that she was already there. As cliche' as it seemed, it was like a scene in the movie- it seemed  to her that it was like something that just only happens in television, but unfortunately, it's not because it's reality and everything was happening in front of her.

Then the time went back to how fast it can easily pass. The people began to move in lightning speed, that if you can't keep up, you'll be left out. The muffled voices became clear- and she was now able to hear everything. Then her heartbeat, she can feel it pounding on her chest. Everything seemed to happen so fast now and Taylor was lost in all of it.  She was in a trance, that she was already taking a step followed by another and she wasn't aware of it. 

That was until it hit her, like an epiphany. Right there and then- Adam was dying.

And when that thought registered in her mind, she bolted to the door and witnessed first-hand how much they were putting him through and all she could hear were the alarms of the machines going off at once that seemed to wake her back up to her senses.

"What's going on?!" She asked hastily, in shock of what was happening around her with fear deep- rooted in her eyes.

" Ms. Swift, please let my attendings do what they have to do." The chief of surgery asked her but she didn't hear that. Of course, she didn't. Her mind was already clouded with thoughts she couldn't get rid off, then this happened and all hell broke loose.

"Please tell me what's happening!" She pleaded while attempting to go near him but the chief of surgery already blocked her way, and soon enough, she was being escorted out of earshot by the chief of surgery. 

She was traumatized on what she saw. It was just all too much and there is only so much a person can handle. Her biggest fears towered over her. She's afraid that Adam can pass just like that. She was only gone for 10 minutes and then when she got back, she walked in on Adam withdrawing to fight to live.

"The patient coded, Ms. Swift. His body was in shock so we had to resuscitate him in order to stimulate his heart to function the way it should again. He was being intubated when we left the room, the process has to be done to clear the patient's airway to provide assistance into maintaining the proper amount of oxygen in his body." He began to explain. "I know this must be a hard time for you but we really have to discuss the options." The chief stated.

"Options?" Taylor asked in bewilderment as all of the new found information were all starting to obscure her ability to follow through. Her mind was a chaos, the sight of the interns assessing Adam and putting up a tube down his throat and shocking him was replaying in her head over and over again.

"Yes. Mr. Wiles' vitals have been degenerating and my interns are doing everything they can to avoid any further organ damage. He is in now, and has been in a critical condition and I'd like to talk to you about the options." He went in depth and made an effort to help Taylor to process what is likely to happen.

"Are you- Are you about to tell me that he won't be able to make it through the night?" She asked as her breath hitched down her throat. "Is he- is he gonna die?" 

The doctor gave her a look that Taylor was able to interpret. The look on his face- she can tell it's not a sign of something good.

"Oh my God." Taylor mumbled under her breath as her hand flew to her mouth out of shock. 

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